Rolling Stone FWIW


New member
I just thought I'd throw this in today.

This week I was stuck for 2 hours waiting for my car to be fixed. All they had in their lobby was a stack of fashion magazines and one copy of Rolling Stone.

RS remains rabidly antigun. There was an interesting article about a couple of drug dealers who got caught and it was really weird that they painted them as being unfortunate deluded youths except for the fact they started buying guns.

I did get a laugh when the moron (aka writer) started pontificating about the horrors of .45 magnum pistols.
I would have read the fashion magagazines only...besides i need some makeup tips

Perhaps we should add Rolling Stone to the list of people who don't deserve their First Amendment rights? :cool:

They've been rabidly anti-gun for as long as I've known of them. I remember back in 1993, a William S. Grieder article was subtitled, "Why We Should Ban Handguns Now!" :barf:

Buncha ultra-leftist morons write that magazine. They can't do enough to popularize "hip hop" culture. They rail about social issues and the environment and (know-nothing) politics, but they advertise cigarettes and liquor to kids.

RS. is a magazine to be discounted on all fronts.

besides i need some makeup tips

Wild, I've seen pictures, makeup ain't going to help :p (:D)

RS has always been that way but if you read them, you notice that they don't seem to have a problem with rappers that advocate/sing/rap? about killing cops and "capping" people.

I've found out years ago, if you want to spot the idiot in your mist, just look for the ones reading RS and numerous other "publications".

I have to admit that I have never picked up a single copy of that rag.

RS started off as pushing the drug culture along with the music scene. Apparently when I was 14 I already knew better than the staff at RS about both of those subjects so I tuned them out of my personal radio dial.
Wild, stay away from stripes and dark colors and try to wear a dress that doesn't fit so tightly around the hips and waist. Avoid plunging necklines and try to wear a little bit lighter shade of mascara so you don't look so frazzled. And remember Hoppes #9 smells a lot nicer than Sweets. ;)