Rolling Block build help


Greetings All,
I am thinking about starting up a project ive had on my mind for several years now. I want to put together a rolling block sporting rifle and need some advice on which barrel to use.
I have a good No 1 blk pwdr action, and I have a source for good custom lumber, sights, etc.
What I need help with is picking a barrel. My thought so far is either a 45-90 or maybe 50-70, and I like the long tapered octagon barrels either 32 or 34". I really like the tube on my pedersoli sharps business rifle. I think its 32" tapered in 45-70 and I want something like that. Plus the sharps shoots incredibly good so I would like to duplicate that part as well!
Any ideas on where to look for a good barrel and also what king of twist rate? I believe the sharps is 1 in 18" and that works great with pretty much all the different 45-70 loads I have tried. Im wondering if that would also work for 45-90. I would prefer a more "ready to go" barrel than a blank.
Any ideas?
Barrel maker

Look in the mirror. You can.

If you take Machine Shop I and II at TSJC, you'll learn how to use a lathe and then fit a barrel to a receiver. You start with a blank, thread it, chamber and headspace it and afterwards put a taper on it.

You might have to take one more week to put octagon flats on the barrel.