Rock salt--defensive round?


Have any of you had any experiences with rock salt as a shotgun round?

In the old days (in Hawaii) some of the farmers loaded up the old shotguns with rock salt since not too many "real" attacks to people were occuring. They had the shotguns mostly for feral animals and people who stole crops from them.

One year, my friend and I decided just for the heck of it, to steal some fruit that this farmer were growing more just to see if we could get away with it and we were curious what this fruit was. It was a low hedge type shrub which he grew in rows and as we grabbed a few in the dark, we heard the hounds barking, then the screen door squeak open, and the farmer's challenge, "Who's out there? What are you doing."
As any red-blooded American kids would do, we started running for all we were worth.
I remembered clearly the cocking of that shotgun..double hammer sound. Just when the farmer fired, I tripped on a root and went face down spilling the fruit from my shirt. My poor friend shrieked and went down. I thought for sure he was dead.
As I got up in my next effort to run, my friend jumped up and outran me as he grabbed his fanny. When I finally got home...I caught a paddling from my dad and a lecture from my friend's dad because they had to call the family doctor to the house(day's of doctor's house calls.) to get the salt out of his wounds in the rear end.
Of course, by then the wound had closed around the salt and the salt burned as it dissolved.
Yoww. :( :( I don't think my friend could sit down for over two weeks.

I wouldn't recommend using rock salt in today's litigious society, but anyone else have experiences with rock salt?
At fairly close range, it's like being shot by a ... shotgun! Until the pattern opens up, it'll go right through things.

As the pattern opens, it's still pretty nasty. When I was in college, a frat rat at Univ. of Kentucky was at a party, and couldn't be bothered to locate an indoor bathroom. He ducked into the neighbor's yard, and whizzed into the begonias... The neighbor had been getting tired of that, and fired a load of rock salt. Tore the bejeezus outta the backs of the guy's thighs. He was on crutches for a long time. Homeowner got in trouble.

Moral: No shotgun for frat rats. Instead, call the feed store, and order an electric fence charger.
LASur5er ... i'm guessing you're from da Big Island ... never heard of rock salt being used. Got a salt lick thrown at me in camp, that was as close as I got. Oh and purification salt thrown at me before I got in a doorway after funerals and bad incidents, but that's just a Japanese custom.

What was the fruit anyways? Low hedge type almost sounds like pineapples ... but you'd know since the leaves are choke sharp and taking them in the dark is stupid ... then again the whole idea of trying to steal in the dark is ...

You have a LOT of stories, don't you? :) Should be a moderator soon at this rate ... Tamara a short while back, then ... ?
Dragontooth 73,
The reason I have so many stories is I am a slow learner...gotta bump my head more than once to learn...I think Missouri mules don't have anything on this slow pineapple.
In Hawaii, I always seem to be the one standing to the buggah that start the trouble, but I'm the one get caught or catch the blame.
My father always teach me that i gotta finish something...he did this with belts and hits. He wouldn't teach me any martial arts, my grandpa was a master of Pa-Kua gung-fu but he wouldn't teach me. The one thing they taught me was to be mean even though half of my life I was no more than 70 pounds and 4 1/2 feet tall. I grew up fighting because of my size and how I look (four eyed geek).
Despite the abuse, I eventually mellowed out and I "talk story." The Hawaii guys I used to hang out on the mainland (up to 1 year ago were from Palama settlement area, one was "adopted" by "Yakuza" uncle).
All of us were taught to despise the bully, face up to them when they pick on the weak, especially the women, and fight "any kine" to win.
Some of the guys that used to hang out with my Dad were "442" guys, some from the 100th. One of my Dad's good friends by San Francisco was one of the guys just next to the guys that raised the flag on Iwo Jima. He had been through the same hell as those guys. That guy got a Congressional Medal of Honor for saving one soldier under heavy enemy machine gun fire. One of his buddies told us that that man got up under fire, walked over to his wounded comrade, lifted him up in his arms, and carried him back to safety. That walking trip caused this soldier's hair to turn from solid black to solid white in the short time it took him to go and return back to his cover.
It's funny, none of those guys talked to us about their experiences...only amongst themselves.
I learned that telling these stories helps others to avoid or handle similar situations so that they can survive. If I can help one person survive and win, then I'm happy.
Sorry about the soap box talk....we lose too many good people if we keep silent.

'Nuff said.