Robert Reich Says Justice Department Lawsuits Threaten Democracy

Jeff Thomas

New member
Like they say, even a broken clock is right twice each day ... (see also ):


The Clinton administration is making "blatant end-runs around
the democratic process" in pursuing lawsuits against tobacco
companies and gunmakers, says former Labor Secretary Robert
Reich. And he warns liberals that "You might approve the
outcomes in these two cases, but they establish a precedent for
other cases you might find wildly unjust."

The administration is using "novel legal theories" that "give
the administration extraordinary discretion to decide who's
misleading the public and whose products are defective," says

o The Justice Department is going after the tobacco
companies with a law designed to fight mobsters -- the
1970 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations
(RICO) chapter of the Organized Crime Control Act.

o And the administration will offer "legal advice" to
public housing authorities organized under the Department
of Housing and Urban Development, who are suing gun
makers for negligence -- alleging that gunmakers sold
defective products they knew or should have known would
harm people.

Using these standards, the entire advertising industry and
makers of any product that might result in death -- from alcohol
to sharp cooking utensils -- is in trouble.

"Worse, no judge will ever scrutinize these theories....The goal
of both efforts is to threaten the industries with the risk of
such large penalties that they'll agree to a deal....."

"American politics is rotting," says Reich, "....But the way to
fix everything isn't to turn our backs on the democratic process
and pursue litigation as the administration is doing."

Source: Robert B. Reich, "Smoking, Guns," American Prospect,
January 17, 2000.

For more on Liability and Guns

For more on Tobacco Company Suits

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited January 06, 2000).]
Whoa - wait a sec... in Robert B. Reich making sense?

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
And Mr. Reich was one of Clinton's buddies, wasn't he. One supposes that there are limits to everyone's tolerance.
He's right! It's amazing that it came from him.

The good news is that we have one year left before Clinton is history; the bad news is we have one year left before Clinton is history. If the prophets are right, we will be in for a rough year from Slick and his gang.

Clinton has no respect for anything. Do you think he cares a whit about the proper way of doing things? The man (I mean that in the biological sense only) has absolutely no principles.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.
We all know what he says is correct, but I dont trust a thing these sob's say--I cant help wondering what he's setting up...for clinton or the new democratic leader we will have this time....fubsy.
Well, maybe some liberals are realizing that conservative groups or governors could launch similar lawsuits against abortion clinics, use the RICO (racketeering) law against animal rights groups, environmental tree huggers, etc.
Of course, alcohol would be a slam dunk using the Federal governments own research data.

[This message has been edited by Cecil (edited January 08, 2000).]