Robbery gone good


New member

A Border Patrol Dispatcher says two suspects attempted to robbed him. He manageed to grab a gun from one of them and then shot a suspect. The dispatcher is ok.

The two jumped into a car and drove off to a house on West Park Avenue. The man who was shot later died. The other suspect was taken into police custody.

Investigators believe the suspects had been driving a carjacked vehicle from Arizona.

Too bad the only gun the dispatcher had access to was the badguys.
I suspect the dispatchers will be armed now...
All the dispaters I have known all carried on duty. Usually .380s or .32s - but still...

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


Under Cali law, the other robber is now guilty of Murder.
If anyone dies, including one of the bad guys, during a criminal act, the living criminal is at fault for initiating that act that lead to the death. I think I like that law.

The law is called the Felony Murder Rule. Basically, if a death occurs during the commission of certain felonies, the perpetrators (spelling ?) are held criminally liable for the death. Robbery is one of those special felonies that apply.
Ok, sounds like a great law--but do any of the DA's actually prosecute the surviving felon, or is there a plea for something like "aggrevated assualt" where the BG gets sentenced to 3yrs and will be back on the street in less than 1yr due to "good behavior"?
What? The Border Patrol kills another person (who cares if the killer is only a dispatcher) and folks at TFL applaud? Further, this is another incident of gun violence which demonstrates the need for further governmental regulations. Why couldn't the dispatcher go to the gunstore and sign the papers like everybody else? Further, did the dispatcher take that mandatory course so that (s)he could safely handle a firearm? All these sacred laws were violated and one man is dead. Sniff.

Whining liberal rant mode off and now since I'm back to normal, I'm proud to be here with all of you. Death is one heckuva way to avoid prosecution for armed robbery.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I hope your "only a dispatcher" comment was meant in the same sarcastic manner as the rest of your post.
Of course deanf. The entire thing was meant to be facetious. I have the highest respect for dispatchers as they are highly motivated, highly stressed, underrecognized and often times the only source of contact for the officer. In recognition of their support and as a thank you, we drop off Xmas goodies to Dispatch on Christmas. After all, if they wanted to screw with you, they wouldn't talk to you - especially when you needed backup 5 minutes ago.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Update on this incident.

Suspects pulled their vehicle in front of the dispatcher. One suspect exited vehicle and brandished gun and demanded money.

A sruggle insued, with the dispatchers pulling a knife and stabbing the first suspect. Suspect dropped gun. During the fight, suspect number 2, who was still in the car, starting shooting in the direction on both men as they fought on the ground.

The dispatcher, a 15 yr. veteren with the BP, was able to pick up the gun and return fire. Gun fire was exchanged, one robber was shot before he ran back to the vehicle. Both drove off. One suspect was stabbed and shot. He was taken to UCSD Medical Center, where he was declared brain dead and put on life support until his organs could be harvested.

The 2nd suspect, Randy Scott Blaney, 22, of Payson, Arizona, was arrested. Blaney and his companion are suspected of carjacking and kidnapping in Arizona eariler in the week. An autopsy will determine if bullects fired by the dispatcher struck the suspect, or if he was shot by rounds fired by his companion.
Ahhh, I needed that!

A couple of well placed shots, and a slime ball turns into an organ donor. Beautiful!

And hopefully the other slimeball will do some time.

And best of all, the dispatcher (that one guy sure got dispatched) goes home.

Does anyone know if BP dispatchers are commissioned? I've a general understanding that dispatchers for the alphabet soup agencies are agents just taking their turn at the radio console.

“The whole of the Bill (of Rights) is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. ... It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.” -Alexander Addison, 1789