Roasting Your Glock


New member
A word of caution to Glock owners--the City of Madison Police Chief Richard Williams who oversees 366 commissioned personnel and 74 civilian personnel routinely put his loaded issue weapon in his stove when got home from work. Oops, he turned on the stove, and the Glock heated up and fired the round in the chamber. The Chief "turned himself in" and imposed discipline on himself. Careful guys (and gals), if you intend to roast your Glock--unload it first.
Seriously, his kids are grown, just him and his wife. The front page article in the newspaper reported that he felt it was a safe and out of the way place to keep the loaded weapon. Gotta give him credit--didn't hide it, and imposed departmental discipline on himself. Nevertheless, a Glock does make a tasty treat if slowly cooked, basted, and served with red potatoes and gravy. A little stuffing up the mag well adds a nice touch!!

Note: Madison is the ultraliberal capital of Wisconsin. City ordinance prohibits gunshops in city limits. The newspaper adopted a policy of refusing to run guns for sale ads in the classifieds. A morton grove ban on firearm possession was proposed and would have passed but higher court and legislative action. The newspaper, Wisconsin State Journal, reports all crimes involving the use of semi-automatice weapons as "automatic" weapons. Even if confronted with their misleading reporting, the newspaper refuses to publish a correction. What is suprising is the complete, and I mean complete, lack of criticism of the Chief. AND most alarming, is any print regarding gun safety. Why--gun safety is an non-issue-guns in any form are unnecessary and evil. To acknowlege gun safety is to acknowlege private ownership of firearms.

[This message has been edited by RR (edited January 13, 2000).]
Reminds me of a gun shop near me that burned down a number of months ago. The new and much nicer shop now has a plaque on the wall that features a melted Glock and a melted HK. How hot does a Glock have to get before it melts?
Huh?? Actually my father is under the impression that you are supposed to stick your glock in the oven for a while and then grip it so that it forms to your hand. I didn't tell him but I think he's getting senile. Maby the chief is too?
That's actually an old story. I read that story in one of my shooting magazines a while back. I wish I could remember which one it was, it was certainly a pretty funny story.


AOL IM: BenK911
ICQ # 53788523
"Gun Control Is Being Able To Hit Your Target"
RE: Liberal Madison

There IS a reason why UW's color is red...


Better a smart man with a dumb gun
Than a dumb man with a smart gun...
I wonder if he hides his money in the wood stove???? What was his idea? "If someone breaks in and has me/wife at gunpoint I will offer to cook a pizza. When I put the pizza in the oven "preheated to 400" and pull out my warm Glock it will stick to my hands for a firm grip and from the heat fire itself. WOW What a great idea. ;)
"To be honest" I have put a gun in some pretty weird places in order to quickly be unarmed if being armed would be embarrassing. Fridge, freezer, cooler, box of pop, tool box, under seat, top of china closet, vcr tape cabinet,cell phone bag, etc etc. But it sounds like this was his normal place ??
Are the inmates in charge of the assylum? For a change of pace, try the frig next time and see if the moisture from condenstation will freeze the action shut. Nice thing about a Glock is that it won't stick to your hand when frozen. :)

[This message has been edited by ak9 (edited January 14, 2000).]
Now I don't feel so bad about catching my J-22 on fire! :)

Proud,dues paying,member of the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy"
If you're worried about melting your GLOCK, don't! If it gets hot enough to melt your GLOCK, your going to die first.
Hey Top! You're not talking about your customized Jennings are you? What a waste after all that work.
How many rounds per minute were you getting out of it before it flamed out??
