Roadtrip scenario


New member
Scenario as follows - you and your SO are about to embark on a roadtrip of some length - 4-5 hours minimum driving time (plus overnight stay). You are staying in state but will be traveling through some rural areas, not all of which are completely safe.

You have a CCW permit, so you can carry anything you would like. You normally carry a handgun and a folding knife. Would you carry anything extra on the roadtrip - magazines, long gun, extra handgun, and if so - why?

It's the rural areas that ARE safe. Houston, however, is another matter....

But seriously, I always carry two extra mags plus the one in the gun.

I carry, my SO carries (with at least ONE reload each), and there is usually an SKS or 870 in the trunk of one of our vehicles.

WHY?: Because I can:D
Take a hint from the Boy Scouts."Always be prepared".Take your usual EDC,Pistol,extra mags/ammo,knife,cell-phone,flashlight,etc. and include your shotgun with ammo and a rifle/carbine with ammo in extra mags.Who is to say the SHTF won't happen when you are 5 hrs drive away from your home base where your "stuff" is?Nope,not paranoia,just common sense.YMMV.tom.
Hmmmm.....I could carry anything I wanted, huh? Okay, I'll keep it simple, no MOAB's or

I would take what I carry anywhere: My G17 in it's IWB, 2 mag's, Surefire E2, Spyderco Delicas, pepperspray, a spare LED light (for general stuff- this is always in the truck or car) and my wallet. None of this stuff is too cumbersome or unexplainable. (ever hear of the couple that was considered by police to be "A bit overdressed for the movies"? They EACH had their primary firearms, backups, (reloads for each), 2 clip it knives plus one around the neck, pepperspray, cuffs (yes, cuffs), and BP vests. I do believe in being prepared, but there is a limit.

Remember, carry anything you feel that you need to. Just be aware that you may have to justify and rationalize what you are carrying, if not to a friend, it maybe to a stranger, or even the police. If they start thinking you are a nutcase for having all the weapons you can carry, you will have to fight that image. I'd rather not. Minimal tools that can cover a wide array of issues. One thing to bear in mind: you will ALWAYS have the most important weapon with you - your brain. Don't forget to use it.
My wife & live in a "rural" area (safer than a city any day) and we have to travel at least 4 hrs to see family.

I always have my Para Nite Tac 5" .45 with a spare mag and M6 light.

My wife carries a Glock 19, also with a spare mag and Glock light.

It's not uncommon for us to have the AR with us, but usually that's because we like to shoot together, so we bring it. Travelling through TN means firearm has to be cased, locked & separated from ammo. I guess that would preclude it from being a viable self defense tool while in the car. Well, unless I hit a carjacker with the ammo box...
Take a case of MREs and a case of water along with a good knife and a flashlight. Then as long as you stay with the convoy and the guntrucks don't outrun you then you should be allright.:D :D

Roadtrip is tonight. So extra mags, extra gun, plus long arm it is. There are many restaurants along the way, so I think for this one - the MRE's stay at home. :p

Thanks for the input.