Road Rage.

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Ok. This is controversial.

How far can you be harassed by a car till you fire back?

I was recently harassed in Cortez Colorado for over 30 minutes.

So what is the point You Shoot?
Well, unless it seems like the driver is out to kill you with the vehicle, I doubt any jury would find shooting at them justified.
"Fire back?"
Were they shooting at you?

Having run across some of those kinds of fools a few times, I've just out drove them.
No shooting necessary.
In thirty minutes, you could have been able to leave them in your dust.
Or watch them go sailing off the road in your rear view mirror.
Like firearms training, knowing how to really drive a car can come in handy.
And it doesn't really take much to be better at it than them kind of idjits.
They probably have gotten their skills from watching tv. :rolleyes:
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Did you call 911? I realize the situation may not have allowed it, but if at all possible you should try. Not only is it the sensible thing to do, but if you do fire it helps to identify you as the victim.
Calling 911 and identifying yourself as the intended victim might help legally, but it's doubtful it will save you from immediate harm.
Only you can do that.
As the saying goes, the first responder on the scene is always you.
The best defense for this kind of thing is advance driving courses.
They will put you way ahead of the curve. :)
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I find that people like this will usually just pass you by if you slow down. If they don't.... I would try and drive away quickly, probably I would drive to the closest police station.

What I wouldn't do is draw my Glock and shoot at the car. That seems hard to defend and quite frankly a little crazy to me.
but it's doubtful it will save you from immediate harm

While I don’t totally disagree it sometimes bothers me when I discuss self defense/emergency response scenarios with people and their plan never includes simply dialing 911. Obviously there are a lot of variables that can impact the response time, but you never know if you don’t try. Yes, we are responsible for acting as our own first line of defense, but whatever the situation we should use all available resources and this includes Police/Fire.
Only when lethal force is being used against you and yours and you can articulate the A, O & J in an affirmative defense?

Maybe a witness or three on your behalf to back you up and counter "His" witnesses?

Or possibly, de-escalate by any means possible, including leaving area to road-rager.

Might also analyze how you got into that situation to begin with and try to avoid same if you were at fault in any way shape or form...

Or not.

How deep are your pockets for legal fees and such (you might ponder as well)?
I read this on THR and I'm probably not going to get it right but

It's never when can I shoot it's when do I have to shoot
If they don't break off after the usual mouthing-off and flipping a bird or three then call the police. Tell them where you are, what you're driving and what the nut is driving. In the meantime you can deal with the loon without putting yourself in unnecessary danger. You can keep driving around the block, for example. Makes it easier for the police to find you and the nutter will soon get bored going around the same 4 roads for the seventh time.

If you know the area, drive up to the nearest police station.

Don't use hazardous speed and driving to evade them unless you are in imminent danger. If they start trying to use their car as a weapon: i.e. run you off the road then you have to decide what to do to keep yourself safe and alive but remember that the road is public space with other road users too
If you know the area, drive up to the nearest police station.

That would have been my answer as well, but the police are not usually at the police station, they are out on patrol and only a tech is at the switchboard and police transmitter.

An alternate solution would be to pull into a gas station in front of the front door (well lite) and then dial 911. Almost all stations have security cameras and should give you some protection until the police arrive. It is easier for them (the police) to find you and if there is a confrontation you should have a video record of your story on the stations security system. Most likely when you pull into the station, the other driver will just drive off instead of being recorded on the stations system or by other customers there.

Good luck and stay safe.
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There is a police officer at the police station, far more often than not, or quite nearby.

Unless the other driver is physically ramming your car, you are not being harmed one whit.

Dial 911 and report an aggressive drunk driver.

You have absolutely no legal cause to even display a firearm until your disabled car is approached by the other driver with obvious intent to pull you out and beat you or some such thing. Until then, you can drive away, or get out and run to an area a car cannot go.

Why would you engage in automotive 'mutual combat' with another driver and potentially escalate the situation into a manslaughter charge against you? Just drive off and be done with it or find a safe place and park while you call the police.
Frankly, the best way to avoid 99% road rage incidents is this:

Someone gives shouts a bit and gives you the finger for doing something stupid? Just shrug, and make your best "sorry" expression and let them pass.

Getting the last word in versus some nut just isn't worth it. It's going to be pretty hard justifying any shooting which comes out of a road rage incident.
I was going to reply but I think I will wait and see if the OP returns to paint the picture of what he is talking about. To me, the term "harassment" is a very low form of conflict and generally [not] one where a ccw would come into play.
Ok. This is controversial.
No, it is not.

How far can you be harassed by a car till you fire back?
If by "fire back" you mean that they have been shooting at you, you might "fire back" if hat would be the only way to avoid bing shot. Otherwise, the answer is "far beyond the ends of the galaxy".

I was recently harassed in Cortez Colorado for over 30 minutes.
You seem to be here to comment on it.

So what is the point You Shoot?
For that, never.

Think immediate necessity to defend against imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury.

Than, ask yourself how shooting would be the appropriate way to do that.
Many years ago when I was younger and dumber I didnt think twice about chasing someone down to tell him or her what I thought about their driving.

I'm getting older and somewhat wiser so I don't do that anymore.

You have to remember that it takes 2 people to start a road rage incident.
People usually don't go off for no reason and it's typically because the other driver is clueless and doesn't even realize what they did wrong.
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