Road Rage


About two weeks ago, in the midst of our bad weather, I was involved in a road rage type incident.

While pulling out of a difficult commercial drive way, that had some loose materal on the surface, I misjudged the speed of an oncoming vehicle. It was not necessary for this vehicle to take any evasive action, merely slow down 5 to 10 mph to the speed limit -- 45. The driver, a white male about 35 years old, got right on my tail, honking his horn, flashing his lights, and waving at me with one finger. I waved back ( with my whole hand, trying to say sorry ) but with no effect. Vehicle followed me, continuing the same actions while I made two turns, and only turned off when I made sure he saw me making a cell call. I was not calling anyone, just wanted him to think so.

What is the best way to handle situations like this? What have you done? GLV

I think you did the right thing with the cell phone. People are crazy. Just don't get into it with them at all. I had an incident in chicago where a guy forced me to stop on the freeway(lucky it was 4am- I was going to work). I only had a cell phone(dead) and pretended to be dialing 911. It worked and the guy drove off. I was really wishing I had my beretta. Not because I wanted to get into it, but this guy really looked like a scumbag.

Hopefully this type of mentality leads to early expiration so the gene pool does not get polluted(Darwinian not racist).


[This message has been edited by olazul (edited 01-23-99).]

I would have done exactly what you did, although I would also have headed for a well lit, preferrably open for business, mall or 7-11 type store after it was apparent he was following me.

As firearms owners/users/carriers we are held to higher standards then others, and when we have had special training we are held to even higher standards. So be aware, avoid/evade, and escape. Also remember whoever gets his story in first is usually percieved as the good guy.

Just thoughts from a citizen, not an LEO.

Freedom is not Free
I had something like that happen a few years ago. I knew the area well so I headed strait to the police station. I pulled in, the car tailing me drove past, and I jumped out of my car and imidiatly told an officer what was going on.

Worked that time.


Mouse Assassins inc.
GLV, I agree you handled it well. I've had only a couple of unusual incidents.

In one case it became clear a couple of guys were tailing me - I had no idea why. I pulled into a retail parking lot, and out a side exit into a small hole in traffic. They couldn't follow, and I simply lost them. Didn't have to endanger others or use excessive speed - just was lucky enough to put some distance between us. Probably seems obvious, but if I ever felt someone was following me for any reason, I wouldn't get near my home until I had lost them - this is my 'plan', but never have had such a problem.

The other occasion was, ironically enough, in a very nice, small town in northern Arizona. Most of the folks there are salt of the earth. However, as I was driving down the little town's 'main road', a pickup truck coming towards me was rounding a corner halfway in my lane. I hit the brakes, and he turned off the road. As I approached him I honked the horn and raised my hand in sort of a 'what was all that about?' kind of move. My mistake. He immediately made a U-turn and ended up on my bumper. Since this wasn't gang country, and besides, he was wearing a cowboy hat, I slowed down to let him pass. As he was pulling alongside I had placed my pistol in my lap in case the situation worsened. He pulled alongside and yelled at me, asking why I had 'flipped him off'! I told him I was simply amazed about finding a truck in my lane. Of course he didn't accept my explanation, but I apologized for the misunderstanding about the hand gesture. I made it clear I did not flip him off, but he was in my lane. We went our separate ways without further problem. I was really angrier with myself than with him - even if the &*$^#(%)couldn't drive. ;) Learn the lesson again, Jeff: No Hand Signals, ever.

The cell phone is a great idea where you have time to make it work. In my case, we were headed into the national forest very quickly, and I didn't want to move into more remote country, on a two lane road, in those circumstances.

I would also look for an LEO or station house, in town. If a nut case pulls alongside you, it sometimes works to pull an immediate left / right in a case where they can't follow. [Note that, in addition to weapons training, I believe some high performance driving training is handy in these cases.] And, while I would never initiate the action, and I would strive first to place distance between myself and the problem, it does seem prudent to have your weapon handy in case you are run off the road or otherwise directly attacked. IMHO, I would generally NOT stop anywhere and get out of my vehicle unless it was with an LEO present. The vehicle is my best weapon, especially for exiting 'stage right'. Besides, some of the BG's around here wouldn't have any qualms about gunning you down in that convenience store parking lot - they might have been planning to rob it anyway. ;)

I've just reread Ayoob's 'In the Gravest Extreme', so I'm pretty sensitive about the foolishness of any gun play on the road. By the same token, in Arizona there are plenty of places where being run off the road could leave you with only one person for company in that ditch - the BG that just ran you off the road.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited 01-24-99).]

Being from Southern California, I see road rage on almost a daily basis. I used to participate in it, until one 100MPH
+ encounter resulted in my near death.

You took a very appropriate course. You saved yourself, and possibly others on the road, from a potentially fatal situation.
My guess is that trying to lose them and/or head towards cops would be a start. Shooting it out would be a p[ might get the driver, but the car would ram you anyway.

Besides, I'd expect more problems from accidents while trying to get away than from enemy fire or ramming. Perhaps getting out of your car and standing some obstacle (like a pole), ready to fire, might work...I just don't want to ever find out.
I agree with trying to avoid confrontation. If you can't, don't stop. After all which is the better weapon, a two pound handgun or a two ton car?

You handled this situation in an excellent manner. The posts suggesting that you seek a well lit area or the police station are also good advice.

Best to avoid all confrontation if possible.

I too had a similar experience a number of years ago, I misjudged a truck as reentered the freeway. The 18 wheel driver pulled up alongside of me waving, gesturing and obviously angry.

I sped off, driving about 80-85 in a 70 zone but soon came up behind two other 18 wheelers driving side by side blocking the way, running well under the speed limit.

When the truck closed up on me, I dynamited the brakes and stopped, and while he overshot me by nearly a half mile, I got into the back of the truck, unpacked a service pistol and loaded it.

I then drove up towards him and stopped.
as he walked by twords me I noticed that he had a tire billy with him. I pulled out and drove past him slowly, as did so I pressed the 1911 up against the glass of the window in silhouette that he could clearly see it!.

He clearly saw it and stopped approaching the truck. I then put the hammer down and drove at extralegal rate up to the next exit where I cut over to another north south interstate.

In the middle of an Indiana roadway with nothing but corn all around I am not sure that a cell phone would have had the desired effect. After displaying the firearm I was considerably worried that the next people I would have to deal with would be the cops.

Once again, let me say I think you handled your situation beautifully.

Ni ellegimit carborundum esse!

Yours In Marksmanship


I agree with the other guys, you made a good decision and conducted yourself admirably. I was involved in a similar situation earlier this fall. In my case I got the license plate of the vehicle and drove straight to the Sheriff’s Office. A deputy ran the plate and we discovered the vehicle was registered to a local trucking company. The deputy and I went to the company office and both the vehicle and driver were in the parking lot. Rather than go through the hassle of having the deputy write a citation, we took the issue up with the company’s safety officer. The offender is now paying for his groceries with food stamps instead of hard cash. :)
glv you did the safest thing you could have and it worked GOOD JOB. not in an attempt to change the thread, just remember the vehical in the rear is in control when the agressor is in front you can slow, to a stop if you have to. if he exits his car/truck you can back away and then he is in danger. just stay in your car and keep it running. its a 1 ton defense against a 200 lb BG. stomping the brakes when in the lead is the worst thing you can do. when the lead car is hit not in the exact center, meaning in either rear quarter it will spin leaving the following car in total control and the lead car in the ditch. dont believe just watch a race car tapped in the rear quarter! high performance driving is best left to the well trained use the cell phone and drive to the local le station