Rnc Chair helps democrats on Hard Ball

Nestor Rivera

New member
I hope everybody noticed on thursday night (Oct. 22) that the REPUBLICAN Party
Chairman bravely jumped infront of THE question posed by Mr. Matthew's to the DNC
Chair on gun control it went something like this.

CM- So do you think I should be able to have a shot gun
DNC- Yes but brady has stopped x hundred Thousands ( I cant recall the number it
changes with each democrat)....

CM- Do you think that criminals buy there guns in gun stores, I mean don't the buy
out of car trunks and hotel rooms ?

DNC - <looking like deer in head lights>uh uh

RNC <bravely leaping in to the fray> No Cris that is not the point we support the
constitnal right of all americans and ....

PLEASE for ONCE a Democrat was asked by a member of the press THE question and
the RNC saved him from answering. I mean REALLY cant the RNC at least find
someone who knows when to SHUT UP !!!!