RKBA Teaparty??

Ed Brunner

New member
I' going to print a few "RKBA" tags for the teabags that I am once again sending to all of my friends in high paces. What do you think of the idea? Do you think the politicians ever see this stuff or is it all dumpster destined?

Better days to be,

I did things like this... I also included a link to the lipton tea company on every email I sent to a politician.

Honestly, I think they are too stupid to get it - or if they do - they dont give a rodent's sphincter.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
On my desk at work I have a little wooden box that some designer tea was packaged in. I got the box from a customer that was going to throw it out after using the last of the tea. I commented on what a neat little box it was, and she gave it to me. It rests beside my copy of "The Second Amendment Primer" published by the NRA. I know it is a very,very,very small and futile jesture, but I do enjoy it nontheless.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.
That's the root of the whole problem - that there is no accessibility to fed reps - and all the more reason to send the power back to the states and disband the fed gov't, cept for defense and a few other things. If you look at the ratio of people to fed congresspeople at the founding (1791) versus today, it's astronomically higher. Of course they can't respond to people's needs - there's just flat no possible way to have the time to do it. They must of necessity go by polls and general thrust of correspondence only. If they get a fax, letter, email, or anything else, if you're lucky, some staffer will put a "X" in either the "pro" or "con" column on the computer file for the "gun issue", or something similar. If we don't start returning power to the states, then as the population continues to grow, the people will become more and more dissident, which will lead to revolution - look around the world, folks. There are two main causes of the fighting: (1) religion, mostly moslem "jihad" against non-moslems; and (2) strongly centralized gov'ts piss off the people in the provinces so much so that they just won't take it anymore. If we don't cut back on the fed gov't (and tax burden thereof), the South will truly rise again - and as most of you know, war really is hell.
I got it George -- tie your tea bag to a <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>rodent's sphincter[/quote] and mail it to yer congresscritter -- that oughta get their attention!! :)

Be mentally deliberate, but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle.
Wyatt Earp
I doubt very much that most congressional staffers would understand the significance of the tea bag. It would probably go in the trash.

This country will never see a revolution, most people are happy to be taken care of by the politicians even if they loose their freedoms. We are headed into a new dark age where politicians will have control over us and our possessions, just like the Feudal system that once existed in europe. The average sheeple wants to be told where to go to work and how to live his/her life by the media and the Gov't. The individualism that built this country is looked upon today as some kind of evil.

If there is an uprising a few old fools like me will be easily destroyed by the "authorities".

What this country really needs is some major natural disaster to totally rip apart the fabric of society, then we will have to re learn the self reliance that our forefathers had. I do not wish this to happen of course. But it is the only way we will return to what the US once was and could be again.

Rant Rant Rant...!

Geoff Ross