Riots after the election?


New member
what do you guys think? I remeber the 92 riots when the whole of LA looked like a candle over the cops being let off for the King arrest.
it spurred violence in Detroit, ATL, San Fran.
Anyone thinking ahead to what if Obama loses? I think there is a portion of America that would think the election was rigged if he loses. Even if its a landslide.
If certain segments in our society will riots because their basketball team wins (or loses for that matter) a championship it's pretty reasonable to assume that they'll riot if their "messiah" loses (or wins) an election.

It's not far fetched at all.
It may not be the segment of society that you think. Wasn't there a movie about that, "Attack of The Middle Aged Woman" :D (it's a joke, but meant to make a point)
When you come down you're all paranoid and stuff. Just chill man. And your
mom tells me to tell you to clean the basement for once, and she says that
if you want to bring girls home at 3AM in the morning, you should really
think about getting your own place with your welfare check.

Seriously, dude.

Man, wut?

I wouldn't be surprised to see riots if we have another case of the Electoral College overturning the popular vote. Aside from that, I don't think enough people really care enough about an election to riot over it. Just think of how many people don't even care enough to show up for it.
You're not the only one worrying about this. And the ones doing the worrying aren't living in anyone's basement.

In fact, I've heard some suggestions from Obama supporters that this might be the result.
Could you guys get anymore racist?

There is a cult of personality surrouding this media created candidate that is simply staggering. It truly does transcend race, and in a negative manner. The comparison to the riots about sports teams is rather analogous, as they transcended racial lines as well.
Micrgunner said:
Could you guys get anymore racist?

Who said ANYTHING about race? Are you assuming that anyone that riots must be black? The '68 riots at the Chicago DNC weren't race based, why would you assume that the riots that many of us fear from a Obama election would have a racial component.

Perhaps you're the racist micrgunner.
Who said ANYTHING about race? Are you assuming that anyone that riots must be black? The '68 riots at the Chicago DNC weren't race based, why would you assume that the riots that many of us fear from a Obama election would have a racial component.

To be fair, the OP mentioned riots that had a fairly strong (though not absolute) racial component as examples. And it's arguable that the most likely place for such riots to start this time is also in poor neighborhoods largely populated by minorities...but keep in mind that people don't riot because of their race, they generally riot because their situation sucks and they feel powerless; that can easily transcend race.

You've also got to remember the huge following Obama has among young college-age voters...given an overturn of the popular election, I could almost see them "getting their civil unrest on." Though without a draft to motivate them I'm not sure just how much they'd really end up caring.

I think it's virtual guarantee. It's the scale that's the question.

I think "riot" implies a certain scale to most people. I mean, on a small enough scale my high school rioted...twice. Then again, they did call out a bunch of cops with those cute plastic shields for one of them, so maybe that one did count.

Anyway, if I owned property (home or business) in LA or maybe a couple other big cities, I'd make sure my insurance policy was current. Aside from that? I'd not worry too much about it.
Could you guys get anymore racist?

The fact that you think anything that anyone said was even close to being a racial remark shows that you are the one focusing on race. Ie you are the racist. were you alive in '92?
riots dont have a racial component, they have a economic component.Black, white, asian, hispanic or whatever its poor people who loot and burn.

I went the the local democratic headquarters and asked for 4 Obama signs. the college chic there said sure and went and got them. When she came back she asked if I was excited and I said " of couse". She asked if i wanted to make a donatin and i said "for what"?
She said to the DNC or to Obama.
I said " Why would i do that, i'm a registed republican".
she kind of had that curious dog look on her face for a second till I said "im gonna put these out at my house when Obama loses so i dont get looted and burned out.
There was no rioting when Bush was elected. Twice.

Nor was their rioting when Clinton was elected. Twice.


Whoever you choose please make sure he shall ensure your democratic right to own and bear arms; that he shall not embark on a "redistribution of wealth" socialist programme; that skills and merit shall not go out the window for sake of a general level of capability where there are no individuals encouraged to excell as individuals. Most of all, that criminals shall be treated as criminals and that thug huggers receive the ignorance they deserve.

If Obama :barf: loses... (hopefully he will) I expect an overly-excitable radical segment... enforced by the usual suspects to riot. So... yeah... there will be riots.
gore, kerry, Dole, or bush senior weren't the annoited "messiah" with almost supernatural powers being attributed to him. Obama is the focus of cult like adoration bordering on worship. I'm not saying that he's the antichrist, but the antichrist will be alot like him.
Who said ANYTHING about race? Are you assuming that anyone that riots must be black? The '68 riots at the Chicago DNC weren't race based, why would you assume that the riots that many of us fear from a Obama election would have a racial component.

Perhaps you're the racist micrgunner.

I believe we all know what was being inferred, but, for fairness' sake I withdraw the statement.