Rimfire pig hunting


New member
Okay here is the deal

I have a friend who mentioned that I could go with him and his uncle, to do some pig hunting in the first couple weeks of January.

The thing is that he said that in this particular area you can only use rimfire rifles (i.e. .22lr or .22 mag). I was wondering about the lethality of these rounds against pigs. Also, I don't have a .22 mag right now and was wondering if this is a good excuse to buy one.

Is the mag that much more powerful than the long rifle, or are they both under powered.

Lethality shouldn't be a problem as long as you study their head anatomy and can ensure that you can get real close and shoot them in an eye or eardrum with the trajectory toward the brain.

However, Javalinas and Russian boars tend to get mean if threatened or even if approached in their territory, so you'd better make sure there are tall trees around that you can get to and scoot up like a scared cat.

A .22 Magnum is a much more powerful round.

I don't think I'd sell you a .22 if you said you were going pig hunting with it.... Maybe you shouldn't mention that if you're going to use this adventure as an excuse to buy one.
The .22 WRM is noticeably more powerful than a .22 LR, but they are both under-powered for wild pigs, IMHO. I know it's done, but shot placement is sooo critical. I don't know about the western pigs, but the hogs here in the South might get irritated and then again they just might not even notice a .22 rimfire slug. Is it possible you maybe can use a shotgun with slugs?
I strongly recommend against trying to hunt feral pigs with a .22 rimfire, whether or not it's the .22 Magnum. Just not enough gun for a clean kill.

Well, a super-shooter who never misses the eye. That ain't me.

If folks are serious, I'd suggest a 12-gauge with slugs. If that's not allowed, go fishing.

If he's big enough to bother with to eat, you're talking at least 30 or 40 on up to 60 pounds, depending on what you run across. Adults are going to run 150/200 or up. Sometimes, way up.

They spook easily and run--but if wounded, there can be a serious personality change, and YOU better be able to run!

Many javelina have been taken with .38 Specials and .357s. The eye is the best target on those tasty little critters. (They're near-sighted; call it "vision correction". :) ) Few pigalinas will dress out over around 30 pounds or so.


Art touched on it.....Javilinas are spooky and near sighted. When spooked they may not have attack in mind but when they take off like a fuzzy rocket, what ever is in the way stands a chance of gettin ripped open with a tusk. Be it tree, cactus, man, dog or car.

This is kind of the answer I suspected. I don't know the reason behind the rimfire only rule (I suspect to maybe prevent poaching of larger game)

But, as the thought of me trying to scurry up a tree makes me laugh I think I will sit this one out or go along to watch as I can run faster if not trying to carry a gun.

I dunno, I shot my first javalina with a 22 mag and it did fine. I would do so again without reservation. Of course I ALWAYS have a backup gun (or buddy) and like others said, when wounded javalinas RUN. Any direction is fine by them they just take off, so be ready. I know a of couple of guys that hunt them with nothing but knives. I haven't gotten that crazy yet. Sheesh I know too many crazy Texans!

This season I have been going back and forth between taking one with my bow and taking one with my 45. Unfortunately I haven’t seen any so far.
22 mag.

A 22. magnum works great on boars. I've hunted them for 20 years in Florida and here in Georgia. BUT !!!!! like everyone has said shot placement is critical. The best place in just below the ear angled toward the front. Most drop on the spot, but dont think you won't have to walk 50 to a 100 yards to get to it. Boars are'nt quite as mean as people make them out to be either. Sal's with babies on the other hand are what you got to watch. Think of the looney toon chatacter Taz and you backside.