Rights against police

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If you are carrying a gun to a university where concealed carry is not allowed, what rights do you have against the police officers in school if they believe you are carrying? What are they allowed to do in order to see if you are carrying a gun? Are they allowed to search individuals, cars, backpacks? At what point?
Rights Against Police

More than likely in your applicatio process you surrendered may of your rights to the institution upon entering their premises. Very briefly, their premises, their rules. You don't like the rules, you don't go there. Or you carry, keep your mouth shut and if and when the SHTF you deal with the fallout, which may or may not include expulsion. Their rules, your call....

Good luck. I'm not a lawyer, and I don't play one on TV.

Depends upon the status of the University (private or state) and the state laws where the University is located.
Good luck. I'm not a lawyer, and I don't play one on TV.

He did stay at a Holiday Inn last night!

This is not the place to seek sound legal advice. Consult a lawyer for the consequences are dire.
If you are carrying a gun to a university where concealed carry is not allowed, what rights do you have against the police officers in school if they believe you are carrying?
------------instead of 'against' a better word should be used. Short answer is they can detain you then haul you to the pokey

What are they allowed to do in order to see if you are carrying a gun?
----------------search you

Are they allowed to search individuals, cars, backpacks?
-------------Yes... because concealed carry is not allowed.....

At what point?
-------------when you put a foot or a tire on the property
I used to have a complete set of Rules for Carrying on University Property, and covered every state in the Union. Unfortunately, the rule book went down with my boat when it sunk.
Let's back up

Why exactly are the police suspicious and "beleive you are carrying" in our hypothetical situation here? I am not saying "carry anyway, who will know". I am saying this doesn't really add up. They can't just grab a random student and frisk him or her, they need a reason
They can't just grab a random student and frisk him or her, they need a reason

They might not be able to grab a random student but they most certainly could search everyone entering a building, via any means made clear prior to entering.... x-ray, metal detectors.....

Secondarily, if the police are suspicious of your behavior, suspect that they see a weapon or are called by someone who did, then quite simply you have NO recourse at that moment. They WILL detain you, they WILL search you and if they find something on you then it will be automatic probable cause to search everything else.... car, locker, backpacks.... and if you resist, which would be your only recourse at that moment, then you will probably get a nice beat-down and be arrested and charged not just for the weapon violation but also resisting arrest.
I'd say its more of a they won't instead of a they can't. It's just ridiculous, illogical and non practical. If any student, teacher or employee happens to see a gun, a silhouette, a bulge or anything that resembles a handgun, it's gonna be called in to the cops and/or the university security. Then, like peetzakilla said, your dead meat.
Here in NY the university police can legally search backpacks, personal belonging, purses...etc...when they are acting in the interest of the greater communities' safety - football games, concerts, entering buildings, or anytime you have been stopped for any just cause.

Carrying on a campus where it is prohibited is a great way to end your college career.
I am uncomfortable discussing what to do if you deliberately choose to ignore school rules or break a law.

Talk to a lawyer if you interested in an academic manner but we shouldn't enable illegal behavior.

This is a different discussion from how to deal with a car stop when you are not engaged in suspect activity and your rights at the stop. The basic premise here is that you are in violation of rules and/or law.

Closed for that reason.
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