Right or left hand bolt

Vern Brink

New member
I'm getting a tactical bolt gun for fun/precision shooting. I shoot a long gun left handed/handgun right handed. The limited bolt gun shooting I have done has been w/a right handed gun.

What are the advantages/disadvantages functioning a rifle with the bolt on the "correct/same" side ie a left handed bolt gun for me. Should I just go w/the right handed bolt?
(in my best Ernest voice)
HEY Vern :)

Being a righty I have no experience shooting left handed rifles. If you are comfortable shooting right handed guns, and score high/make small groups (what ever you trying to do for fun/precision) than that should be fine.

However, I look at it this way. With a "same" side bolt (i.e. left handed) you will have less movement when you go to cycle the action. Instead of having to cant the rifle, reach over and grab the bolt and cycle it all you will have to do is bring your left hand up and cycle the bolt. You would not have to move the gun, lose your cheek weld, lose you sight picture and other things that are conducive to accurate shooting. Cycleing will also be faster.

While at a range all this really wouldn't matter. But out in the field it could make a difference if you plan to hunt with this rifle. Remember, movement is normally what causes you to be seen (if your camo is properly done).

Just my thoughts.

GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
The real advantage to a wrong side bolt is in speed of operation. Your shooting hand stays on the pistol grip and the weak hand, which stays on the bolt handle, operates the bolt. While this is an advantage is competition where time limits are imposed on multiple shots, the general rule in real life is one shot and scoot. Rapid fire is better served by a semi-automatic rifle.
Vern; Buy a left handed bolt gun. There are a bunch on the market now. I'm a lefty and just bought a Savage FLC111 and I love it. Savage has a slew of lefty rifles. Nowadays you don't have to put up with right handed bolts. Good Luck, j.s.
I would shoot from the shoulder that matches your dominant eye. When I was left-eye dominant, I shot from the left shoulder. Meanwhile, I was shooting pistols right-handed. Yet, about a year ago, I had a stroke in my left eye. My vision in this eye became so seriously impaired that I was forced to shift my rifle shooting to my right shoulder to match my remaining one good eye. I had to re-learn some basic moves on rifle handling, but the results have worked out fairly well. BTW, my left eye is healing. I can see with it now, but the fine detail necessary for a good sight picture is still lacking.