Right handed/Left Eyed Shooters


New member
My wife and a buddy of mine are right handed but left eye dominant. To watch
them it looks like they are crawling over a rail fence. Both are good shots. One time before we were married we were down in a deep creek hollow. There was
60ft. Break necks above creek. Above them were hay fields. Ground hogs would
lay on rock ledges to sun. We would sneak down creek and shoot them off rocks.
This day I had already shot a couple. My wife wanted to try one. That day I was
using Win. M-70FW .308 it kicks. Had 6x scope. Anyway after making sure she
was holding rifle solidly she shot ground hog. Scope whacked her in eye brow
so hard she required stitches. I still have that scope, K-6 Weaver steel tube, and
edge is bent where it hit her. I almost didn't tie the knot with her, not because
of scar in her head. Women were a dime a dozen in the hills but good 6x glass
is hard to come by,she ruined my scope!
My Daughter is left handed but right eye dominant. Tape on the right lens of her shooting glasses was a simply and effective solution.
I was in that situation waiting on a cataract to mature so it could be replaced.

I simply laid my head on my right shoulder to get the left eye behind the muscle memory trained right hand dominant stance/grip.

It did feel a little strange at first and probably would not have served me in a situation calling for speed.
"...ruined my scope..." Red head? Nobody's head is hard enough to bend a steel scope tube from getting Weatherby eye brow. Well, except maybe my Ma's. snicker.
She was either crawling the stock or the stock was too short for her and dropped the rifle on a rock. Handedness and eye dominance made no difference.
10 shots in over a minute isn't exactly fast.
My girlfriend and daughter are right hand left eye shooters. Sure they look like a mess doing it but they aren't bad at all. I agree that dragonfly has had too many left hand cigarettes...too much left hand TV as well.
If they are new shooters, have them switch to shooting from their strong eye side; in the long term, that is the best solution and one that is especially used for shooting a shotgun at targets.
I caught my left-eye-edness early on and taught myself to shoot left handed. It's much nice to shoot a shotgun off my left shoulder now, and when leaving my eyes open to shoot pistol, the left one focuses naturally. I can shoot a rifle off of both shoulders, but prefer them on the left side. I'm happy with the route I took, but it took me awhile to get used to it!
I can shoot with either and have done so for 55 years or so, however. my wife is right handed to a fault, and blind in her right eye, so teaching her to shoot lefty has been a challenge. First item is to get whoever is doing the shooting a rifle that fits them. And plenty of ammo to practice with. LOL
I am left eye and right hand also. Only time it e er caused a problem was in college while on a rifle team. A blinder for my left eye solved the focus issues but caused some of the most blindingly painful headaches I ever experienced. Still shoot right handed with rifle, shotgun and handgun and pretty well too. I have worn "the eyebrow of shame" but it had nothing to do with eye dominance, just poor form.