Rifling Twist for 6.5x55


New member
I have a CZ 550 American in 6.5x55. The rate of twist is 1:9. All I have ever shot through it is PRVI 139 grain. The rifle shoots this ammo very accurately. I am planning on trying some other ammo that is higher velocity in 140 grain. I have read that the 1:9 twist in my rifle won't stabilize 140 grain bullets. It seems to do well with the PRVI though. What are your thoughts?
It may not stabilize 140 solid copper or vld bullets but it will probably be fine for standard cup-n-core bullets. The only way to know for sure though is to shoot a variety of 140's to find out what you're rifle likes.
My CZ550 6.5X55 shoots 140 bergers very accurately. If will stabilize a 140 Berger, I would venture it would stabilize all 140's.
Thanks guys, I am fixing to start reloading(waiting for the equipment to arrive) and thinking about the Hornady SST 140 grain as the first bullet to try. Have you tried them and if so how was the accuracy?
Thanks for all the advice. I could not find the Berger Hunting VLD in 140 Grain anywhere so I ordered them in 130 grain.
It shoots the 130 equally well. I used to shoot them in it, but I started buying the 140's in bulk because of my 6.5X284 1000 yard rifle. Touch the bullet to the lands.
"I have read that the 1:9 twist in my rifle won't stabilize 140 grain bullets."

The old Swedish Mausers M96 had a twist of 1-8.66. I shoot 160 grain Hornady rounds and they group at just over an inch.