Rifled barrel for Mossberg & Slugs


New member
Am looking for info on rifled barrels for a Mossberg 500 and which slugs give best accuracy. I don't want a scope on this shotgun so it will be rifle sights too. Yeah, I know I am handicapping myself but ... humor me. Most shots will be inside 80 yds.
Rifle sights are not a handicap. As to which slug, there's no way to tell w/o actually testing them in YOUR shotgun. Since it's a rifled bbl you're talking about,probably one of the sabot loads with give the best accuracy. All 12 ga slugs are effective when properly inserted.

Something I've long wondered about is why folks want to push the envelop on slug hunting. The places I've hunted here in Md are probably representative of most Eastern Whitetail hunting. A long shot is 50 yards, I think my longest shot this last decade or two was about 65. IIRC, the last 10 deer or so got hit at less than 50, average shot last season was about 35. 4 deer, two M/L tags, one Bow tag, and one Shotgun.Still eating the freezer...

I admit the occasional long shot happens, but lots of those fall into the Hail Mary class. Bet the average killing shot in the East runs less than 50 yards. Heck, maybe 25% of my checkins are taken within 50 feet!

After bench testing, pick a slug and practice until you can put all your shots into a 6" group under field conditions. That's your max distance for clean and humane kills, with short bloodtrails....
I want INFORMATION on SLUGS & BARRELS...NOT what someone thinks is humane range or maximum range to them. An example would be; which is better in a Hastings barrel - Winchester BRI sabot or the Remington sabot or the Brenneke slug. Even better ...IS there a better RIFLED SLUG barrel than the Hastings ?? WHY/WHAT ?? In case you haven't noticed, slugs cost a bit much and I have no plans to buy 4 boxes of each (For ranging & zeroes) just to tell a friend what to use in an OHIO hunt I'M NOT going on. Clear ?
Cool your jets, Knighterrant....just read the second sentence of Dave's reply. Rifled barrels are unique creatures, despite the best efforts of modern manufacturing. One barrel from company A might shoot best with slug X, the next A barrel might like slug Y best. Without testing, you won't know what an individual barrel likes best.

BTW, let's try to maintain a civilized level of discourse. This ain't ar15.com.

My $0.02
Whats the name of that Rolling Stones song? "You can't always get what you want..."

The only way to know what a good combo is, is to try it out. Tell your buddy to spend a little cash sighting in his gun with a few types of slugs. It's the least he could do. Good sabot slugs, like Winchester eXtreme partition, run around $2 a round. HE can sight his shotgun in for $20 - less than 2 sixpacks and a pack of smokes.

I have had great groups with my Hastings Paradox barrel on my 870 - touching holes at 50 yards. Sorry it's NOT a MOSSBERG.

P.S. - how are you handicapping yourself with iron sights, if your buddy is doing the shooting?

Doctor, my friend has this embarassing rash on his privates. Yes, thats right, my friend, and he wants to know what he can do to get rid of his rash...
Knighterrant, if your buddy can afford to hunt, he can afford enough ammo to make sure he would be effective at making quick and humane kills, just like we all should. Otherwise, he's part of the public relations problem the public has with us hunters.Slob hunters are a bigger enemy to us than Ingrid Newkirk and Sarah Brady.
Where to start 1st ?? Maybe "slob hunters"...hmmm, I guess we could do like we ( buddy & I BOTH)normally do with our rifle loads...5 or 10 shot groups at each range with each incremental powder load.My last "test" took over 150 rounds !! Same bullet, same powder, different load increments. Since we aren't reloading I guess we will have to buy 5-6 BOXES of EACH of WHATEVER since there was only ONE "suggestion". 1 box at 15 yds or 25, then 50 then 75 OR since some ONLY hunt at FOOT distance maybe I need to start at 5 FEET ??

ar15.com...I don't mess with mouse guns, enough said.

Was never known for my bedside manner so... my advice is to avoid relations with your non-marital family or quick licking/abusing yourself.

Last but not least... I now know where the writers of the national gun rags (I use to read) now hang out. You all say alot without saying anything of substance. However, you do get your exercise - "jumping to conclusions, beating your chests in righteous indignation, so forth and so on.."