Rifle training


New member
Hi guys. Just a general question, trying to get a feel for interest. A friend of mine (USMC scout/sniper, 20-yr SWAT instructor, tactical shooter, long range shooter) has authored a book on rifle marksmanship from basic to very advanced, and is going to print the book and offer it for sale. How many here on this forum would be interested if the price were somewhere around $140 per copy?
Since the CMP sells books on rifle shooting put out by the AMU (well known and established) for around $6.95, I don't see your buddy getting rich on selling books for $140.

Excluding the CMP/AMU, go to Amazon.com, search on rifle training and you'll find hundreds of such books selling for a few dollars by well known authors.
That must have been a typo error or he got the decimal point in the wrong place.
Or maybe he's charging by the hour.
It takes a long time to write a book.
There are a lot of books on marksmanship and marksmanship training. It had better be a darn good read to be worth $140.00. I got my, and I think the best marksmanship book at Small Arms School at Camp Perry. They used to give the things out for free and it was the AMU guide. I think you can still a later version of the thing on the CMP web site.

The thing is, I had the book but nothing made sense until I got to the skill level that I understood what they were suggesting. Then it all made sense. Books can be guides, but I found marksmanship through shooting, and then found, that by looking up in the book, that I was on the right path with the right technique. Maybe it is all pearls before swine and the swine have to get to the level to recognize pearls.
I would never pay $140 for a training aid. no book will ever replace a one on one conversation with an instructor and I can get a good bit of one on one instruction for $140.
I'll chime in just for fun.

I'm guessing the original post meant $14.

I could be tempted at that price.