Rifle sights vs peep sights for 870?


New member
I'm going to purchase a short defense barrel for my Wingmaster. I can't afford to put ghostring sights on it, but I was wondering if there was a good alternative. Are some sight systems better than others for a HD SG? Should I just save for the ghostring system? I have a choice of buying a reminton barrel w/ rifle sights or a plain barrel and adding sights later. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
Ghost ring sights are nice, but if I didn't hunt with my 870s, they might just have beads. I've done good work with just a bead, including a possible on my old duty qualifier.

Since slugs are not a good choice for HD, rifle sights or GRs(I'm coming to loathe that name) are optional. HD shotguns are aimed, but they can be aimed nicely with a bead and a good cheek weld.

And, a short bbled,bead sighted 870 does a very good imitation of a quail gun.
Either is a good choice

That being said, I prefer the rifle sights. Outside of bird/small game hunting, I have little use for a bead sight. Both of my Wingmasters are equipped with rifle sights and they have spoiled me.

The ghost ring sights are useful also, but I wonder about how they might function in low light situations. For my practical purposes, rifle sights are all I could ever ask for. They allow me to lob those slugs and buckshot with more accuracy than a bead sight ever could.

If affordability is the issue, just get a rifle sight equipped barrel and upgrade later.

Aren't these dilemmas fun?
Jager,peep sights work very, very well in low light, the big aperture is excellent at "Gathering" light.

One advantage of a peep vs rifle sights, the longer sight radius of the peep does wonders for accuracy.