Rifle Proficiency


New member
I am a dork!
I was out tonight in a buddy's field stalking a nervous groundhog with my new Marlin 25 mn .22 Mag. Well, I was within about 80 yards and took a knee, got the critter in the crosshairs, flipped off the safety, and pulled the trigger.
Well..... at least I tried to pull the trigger. I pulled the safety toward me and as we all know, the safety on this Marlin flips off by pushing FOREWARD! Needless to say, I missed my shot, and the little punk never came out again.
So later I am going to take a
sighting in/plinking shot, and pulled the trigger and... CLICK! I never had a round in the chamber in the first place, the bolt never picked one up, I probably short stroked.
The moral of this long winded story is: PRACTICE,PRACTICE,PRACTICE!
Anyone else have dork stories? I don't want to feel alone.

Knock twice. Rap with your cane. Feels nice. You're out of the rain. We got your skinny girls. Here at the Western World
from Steely Dan's "Western World"
I once stood 10' behind my uncle, watching him have a wrestling match with the safety on his Mauser, while a big old doe stood 20' in front of him. He got that gun up to his shoulder twice and couldn't get a shot off, then the doe decided she'd had enough and disappeared into the woods. Longest (and funniest) 10 or 12 seconds of my life, to this day I don't let him forget about this!

Cry "Havoc!" and let slip the dogs of war.
Well, lotsa deer have been spooked by "Click!" instead of being killed by "Bang". This happened to a fella hunting the ranch just north of my house, and the deer was the largest he'd seen in a number of years.

Lotsa deer have been spooked by the "click" of a rifle being taken off-safety, too. Which is why I like a round in the chamber and the bolt handle "up". As long as the bolt handle is not down, my rifle can't fire; and it's quiet on closing...

I probably did that sort of stuff, once upon a time.
The advantage of age is that you have an excuse not to remember...

, Art

"Old is when she suggests going upstairs and making love--and he replies that he can't do both."
Back where I come from we call that "Buck Fever." and almost all who hunt have experienced it. The story Rex tells reminds me of my "Buck Fever"

I was about 15yrs old, sitting on a stump in a tamrack swamp, my dad had told me, "Don't you move from this spot." After setting for about an hour a 6 pointer came out of the swamp and stopped about 10Yds away.

I had a Win 30-30, and raised it slowly, just like my dad said, if you see one, no sudden moves, and took aim. I swear I fired that gun 5 times, and the buck just looked an me and finally turned and went back the way it had come..

I later told this story to my dad shortly after the incident and he said he never heard the shots. Are you sure you actually did shoot. Of couse I said, I felt the recoil, heard the bang etc. We went to the area I had been sitting, and on the ground was 5 live 30-30 rounds.
