Rifle guys... thoughts on custom scope elevation / distance rings...

I just bought my 1st... A Burris C4- wind reticle 4.5 - 14 scope... you go to their site, & enter in "a lot" of info, including humidity, elevation, etc.

they expect to have you "right on" through a wide range of distances & wind speeds...

any of you with experience... how close can I expect? ( yes I know the temp, humidity, & possibly elevation will vary ) your thoughts in general... one brand better / closer than the others ( I see Luepold, for example, also does this )

my other thread is here, if you want to see all the data you enter, before they make up your elevation ring, & "wind map"

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Considering the facts that the wind is never constant across the bullet's trajectory, there's no way it'll be accurate to 1 MOA at all ranges. Depending on the terrain the wind blows across, winds a few to several feet above ground can be 2 to 3 times faster than at ground level. Note also that winds closest to the rifle have a greater effect on drift than those close to the target.

You cannot measure downrange winds. But you can get good at estimating their effects by observing their wrinkling heat waves (mirage) with a good spotting scope or rifle scope when they're focused about 1/2 to 2/3 of target range. That mirage is the best indicator. You have to learn what a given mirage speed across the scopes field of view has for your load at different ranges.
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BART... thanks for the reply... & yes, I agree / understand that the winds will change, more, or less, depending on the range... as as the humidity, & temperature will change from the numbers I give Burris to build the elevation ring... if you look at the reticle, I like that it has so many has marks for windage, considering this is going on a 17 Fireball ( I figure it'll at minimum be good exercise at working on my wind skills ) my range only goes to 300 yards right now ( I'm working on being able to stretch that out through one of a couple ways ) jealous of you guys that have longer ranges available whenever you want...