Rifle Competitions?


I did 4 years of competitive shooting while at MMA in the early 90s and I'd like to get back into it. I found it to be very relaxing. What are the popular rifle competitions and most popular categories?
I am not a full time rifle shooter, but just to get the ball rolling; what is MMA and what did you shoot there for rifle, ranges, and course of fire?

Offhand, I can think of:
Smallbore - (.22 lr only) prone,* three-position, Sporter*
Highpower - "across the course," Long Range, F-class*
Metallic silhouette - smallbore, centerfire, black powder*

I have at one time or another shot the ones with *

Subscribe to NRA Competitor to see schedules and locations.
Marine Military Academy. I did Smallbore only.

Tell me about Highpower competitions.
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Highpower Rifle is centerfire, iron-sights only (except in the occasional F-Class event)

There are two categories in NRA Highpower events--Service Rifle (M1, M1A/M14 or AR15 which can be modified internally--the AR is most popular these days) and Match Rifle. There is usually a pretty even split between match rifles and service rifles and they are all on the line at the same time. The CMP (Civilian Marksmanship Program) has their own set of rules and in their matches, it's Service Rifle only. Both matches are otherwise pretty similar.

An Across the Course match is either 50rds or 80rds. The first stage is slowfire offhand (standing) at 200yds. One round per minute (either 10 or 20 total depending on which course of fire).

The second stage is sitting rapidfire at 200yds. You begin standing, and then drop into position when the targets appear. You have 60 seconds to shoot 2rds, reload, then 8rds (or 5 and 5 if you shoot a bolt gun). During an 80 round match, you shoot 2 strings of each rapid.

Third is prone rapidfire at 300yds. Again, you must begin standing and you have 70 seconds to shoot 10 including the reload.

The final stage is slowfire prone at 600yds. 22rds in 22 minutes.

NRA Longrange Highpower is all slowfire prone at 600, 700, 800 and 1000yds if I remember correctly.

F-Class is a NRA rule which if in play allows any rifle, any sight (bipods, etc). You can usually shoot and F-class rifle in most matches as long as there's room on the line, but they won't count your score.

The NRA has shooter classifications--Sharpshooter, Marksman, Expert, Master and High Master. At CMP matches, they award medals and points to the top shooters and when you accumulate enough points you are awarded the Distinguished Rifleman badge (really a military badge). There have only been something like 1800 awarded since the badge was authorized after the Civil War.
To Build on 30 Cal's post, I'm a High Power Shooter. High Power requires some equipment that many HP shooters will loan a new guy until he can get his own. Hp shooters are always willing to help a guy and give pointers on how to improve scores. Having shot small bore it would be a fun game for you.
50 shot matches are really 58 shot matches as you get 2 sighters at each stage unless it's a EIC match for points, then no sighters. (need 30 points for distinguished) 80 shot matches are really 88 shot matches for the same reason, 2 sighters at each stage.

AR's seem to be king right now. Easy to shoot and 223 is not as expensive as 308. AR's need a tight twist. 8-1, 7-1 and even 6 1/2-1 are popular rifling twist rates. Most shoot 77 gr Sierra Match Kings at 2 and 300 yards and 80 gr. SMK's are used at 600 yards. There can also be matches held at 100 yards on reduced targets. There are some at other ranges too but I've not fired on anything other than 100, 200, 300 and 600 yards. I have shot a 1,000 with a M-14. Reloading is almost a must.
I forgot to mention that Highpower is the King of riflesports.

My local club's match is shot entirely at 200yds with reduced targets for the 300 and 600yd stages. Since we don't run a registered/approved match (and therefor do not report scores to the NRA for classification), we run a pretty relaxed match. If you don't get all your rounds off during the rapid fire time limit, they'll give you more time. Many local matches are run like that to one degree or another.

J Bannon wrote: What are the laws on getting / owning an AR 15?

It depends on where you live. For most States an AR is no different than any other rifle.

Rock River Arms is making a fine shooting "service rifle" National Match right out of the box.

I elected to have an upper built by White Oak Prec with a 6 1/2 to 1 twist Norpac barrel. The lower is a Rock River Arms NM lower with a WOP tuned RRA 2 stage trigger. The score after firing 8 matches this year is 5 of the 8 have been in the money and 4 of the 8 have been wins. The rifle shoots is all I can say.
Highpower is a good sport for improving the basic skills of rifle shooting.

And that is the truth. You also learn who is full of it when they say they shot that buck at 600 + yards on a windy day and you know he only shoots enough to check his zero every year and has a group size the size of a small barn door. Sorta like a 8 inch fish being a ten pounder.
"Highpower is a good sport for improving the basic skills of rifle shooting."

This is soooo true. I just started trying to shoot well enough to go to my first match. And 200 yards in not easy with iron sights (for me at least). But I have improved 100% just working on it.
And for non-basic? I would think shooting smallbore would be better for basic skills.

Pretty true.

A guy who holds a Highpower Expert classification (which you can get in a pretty short time if you have a little coaching and discipline) can build a solid position, has a good feel for trajectory, is well versed in using iron sights, can make good compensation for drop and wind, and has can shoot rapid fire. He's shot enough that his initial stance is never going to be very far from his NPA.

About the only things he might not be good at are estimating range, shooting in the dark and more tactical aspects Still, he's got a strong enough foundation that it shouldn't take him very long to get up to speed in any rifle event.

I did smallbore for 4 years straight, 2 hours a day, 5 days a week. I got a perfect score at Camp Lejeune with an m16 during my third year and it was only until my fourth year that I got a perfect score on standing with a smallbore rifle. I think everyone looking to do competition rifle shooting should start practicing with a smallbore first.