Rifle Competition


At my local shooting range someone was talking to me about my AR-15 and asked me about Competition shooting. I was puzzled at first he talked about it some and I get the concept but where can I learn more about the sport?

thank you
Check the NRA website. They have most of the Rulebooks on line now. Check out Highpower rules and couses of fire. And the CMP website as well. www.odcmp.com. Their rule book is online as well.

If you're in Texas, I can direct you to matches here.
Yes, I am from Texas in the Southwest Austin area. are there any competitions here in this area? Or do I have to travel to Dallas or San Antonio
They hold the Texas State Highpower championships at Camp Swift which is near Bastrop, which is just south of Austin. You can check with Rick Crawford, Telephone: 903-983-1602 or email - rcrawford@cablelynx.com about that match and others in the area.

Also, check out the events calendar at www.tsra.com for other matches at Camp Swift. If they don't have them listed, ask Rick. He was the Texas State champion in Highpower in 2006 and I'm sure he'll be glad to answer your questions about what you'll need at a match.

If you get in to Highpower, you might want to subscribe to Shooting Sports USA. It's the NRA's magazine that lists all the NRA shooting events in all disciplines across the country.

In the current issue, they list Highpower matches in Beaumont, Carthage, Friendswood, Houston, Lake Jackson, Lyons, Terrell, Waco, and Watt. If any of those are near you, let me know and I'll PM you with the contact info person that runs the match.

Thanks for adding that. I'll see you guys in June for the Texas State Outdoor Pistol match (Bullseye).
"...my local shooting range..." Look on the club bulletin board, ask other shooters(like the guy you were takling with) and go shoot whatever matches are around. Don't worry about placing, but do use the best ammo you can. Reloading is the best source for the best ammo for your rifle. Factory doesn't cut it.
Like lmccrock says, there's a form of competition for everybody and shooting matches is great fun. You'll meet some great people, most of whom will let you shoot their gussied up match rifles, and you'll have a lot of fun.