Rifle Choice


New member
If you were on the market for a relatively cheap gun for plinking and possible self defense and your choice was limited to either an SKS or one of the new BATF approved AK variants with the special 10rnd magazine (doesn't take regular AK magazines), which would you choose?
I'd probably go with the SKS using your criteria. Especially if I could find a Russian SKS. If you were leaning more heavily toward the defense/combat usage I'd say one of the new AKs. For a plinking/fun gun go with the SKS.
Definitely th SKS. I looked over the new PC-AK this past weekend. "Why bother?" was the question in my mind, the whole time I inspected it. Be aware that there are several grades of SKS rifles/carbines. Some of the things with which you may wish to be familiar prior to purchasing any particular one is: who was the manufacturer and at which plant or arsenal, whether it was mfg'd for commercial export sales or domestic military issue, and how the barrel is attached to the receiver. These are the mininum variables, which if considered, will help ensure you get a quality firearm.
"If you really want to know what's going on;
then, you have to follow the money trail."

[This message has been edited by Mykl (edited June 23, 1999).]
OK, I just have to ask this stupid question on this thread: Where the hell are our rights?

-OK, I understand that for IMPORTED weapons, the batmen apply the sporting purpose test, and prohibit "assault weapons" and "hi-cap" mags" and "junk-gun" caliber weapons (non-sporting) from import into US.

-I also understand that under the Bill's Crime against America of '94, no new "hi-caps" or "assault weapons" can be manufactured domestically.

-But since when can an US company not make a rifle which will accept pre-ban hicap mags? This is ludicrous, and deeply angers and troubles me (as does any infringement) - this must mean we are one step away, if not already there, of having the batbrains say "No Glock, Sigs, HKs, Berettas, etc. will be allowed imported into the US if they can physically accept a hicap" or worse yet, "Colt, Ruger and others cannot manufacture a Mini-14, 1911, or whatever, that accepts hicaps". It's real simple - if Feinstein can't get her "no possession of hicaps" through that pesky Congress, hey, no problem, just get the BATF to legislate the "no accept hicaps" and voila, they're useless.

My God, what has happened?! I think the time for the revolution is here, folks. I for one will NOT continue to lay down and take this ridiculous communist crap.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited June 25, 1999).]
SKS. No detachable magazines to be hassled with especially in light of legislative effort to ban hi-cap mags. Robust, slender, easy handling. With practice, stripper clips can be just as fast as 10 round magazines. Like Mykl said, quality varies from factory to factory and buy Rooskie if you can.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Are you specifically looking for an intermediate chambering? If so, either of the two choices you give aren't significantly different. The SKS has a slight edge because you can charge the magazine with stripper clips.

A Mini 14 might be a better choice. Although somewhat expensive, hi-caps are still available and with all other things being equal, it has a more innocuous appearance. The new Mini14's in stainless steel with a synthetic stock look pretty sweet. I prefer the .223 cartridge over the 7.62x39.

You might look into building an FAL on a DSA receiver, using one of the Austrian STG 58 parts kits. Full power, full size, high caps out the wazoo for $10 each. All that and a beautiful profile, you just can't beat it.
I was just looking for a cheap beat around rifle and some of the prices I have seen on these two guns fit the bill. The mini is another notch up the price scale thats why I didn't mention it. By the way since you two brought it up, of the rebuilds what are the best recievers to look for on Fal/L1A1's? Are there any versions of this gun to definitely stay away from?
Pacific Armament Corp has somehow gotten a hold of quite a few Type 3 FAL receivers made by Imbel in Brazil. These are made Imbel, under licence from FN and they cost $100 less than the US made knock-offs which cost around $400.

I have a STG kit built on a DSA type 1 receiver and everything seems to fit and operate well.

I've heard some bad stories about the Enterprise receivers that were made at their plant (as opposed to staming their name on an Imbel-made receiver). Stories like inconsistent dimensions and lots of hand fitting. Lots of smiths charge a little more for assembling an Enterprise receiver.

My understanding is that you want to keep Inch or Commonwealth pattern, Metric, and Israeli configurations separated entirely. There are some parts that should interchange readily like bolt stop, mag release, lower, but the barrels should be mated to the appropriate receiver.

Some of the really cheap FAL/L1A1's in stores appear to have some mixing of parts. I couldn't say if this was done properly or not, so take a good look.
If you find the Isreali versions - I have seen a couple - And they are good.
But what do you expect from a gun from Isreal? They Know Defense!
Are there any BAD guns from Isreal? Maybe LESS POPULAR - but Any that actually suck?

I cant think of any...
