Rifle Ban ?

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New member
When Obama wins, and whenever he reinstates the Assault Weapon ban, what exactly does that ban? No new manufacturing of complete rifles? Lowers?

Mainly my question is this, if I stock up on a few lowers, will the rest of the parts still be around after the ban (uppers, stocks, etc.)

Your help in clarifying this is greatly appreciated.
Obama cannot reinstate anything on his own, he needs the help of Congress. With a Democrat controlled Congress, they probably would not fight him too hard though.

What the next AWB legislation that will be proposed looks like is anybody's guess. If you want to see what the current proposals have been, go to http://thomas.gov/ and type in "H. R. 1022"

That will give you an idea of the kind of AWB the party leadership would like to see.

Mainly my question is this, if I stock up on a few lowers, will the rest of the parts still be around after the ban (uppers, stocks, etc.)

Under H. R. 1022, all of those parts would be considered banned assault weapons the same as the actual registered part.
Yeah, votes in Congress. The best thing you could do is get everybody you know to get off their butts and snail-mail your Congresscritter and explain where the money, time and votes will go in the 2010 election. If you don't do that sort of thing, you're merely another Internet griper.
With the passing of a nearly trillion dollar spending bill---there's a huge "throw the bums out" feeling out there---we might not have a Dem congress come november.
It takes an Act of Congress for a comprehensive ban.

HOWEVER, I've been told Obama could singlehandedly block a particular import source. So companies that manufacture abroad could be blocked immediately with an executive import restriction.

I must admit I haven't done my homework on the precise workings of this, which is part of the reason I post it - if someone knows the details or can refute this I'm all ears. But it's definitely something to be aware of.
would we still be able to buy high cap mags with proper paperwork like a class 3 weapon?

That depends on the actual text of whatever unConstitutional piece of legislation the traitors in Washington ram down our throats, but if they follow the Commiefornia model, then no.
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