Ridge: War on terror will not end


No but things move in circles and I'm sure that with enough time things will hopefully swing back in balance. Hopefully.

Probably when China stops buying our Debt and we have to either cut some fat or hang some trators.:mad:
Well, the "War on Drugs" - while a good effort, didn't excite the public enough to seriously attack the freedoms that this Nation was founded on. For most of us, the "War on Drugs" was always "somewhere else" and impacting "other people". The "War on Terror" is the milk cow the statists have been looking for - and they're going to milk it until it's dry. It's a keeper.
Wars when not fought to win are just a big cash cow for the polititions. When you hear them say the war is going to be fought for years you know your money is going out the window. This is life and it will always be like this. The people who seek power over us and we give it to them are not decent people. They seek power and will go corrupt when they get it. From the smallest politition on up this is true and the breed that seeks power has always been the most corruptable.

Americas system has kept that in check for a long time but the system is failing as the cancer of corruption grows in the body politics. All parties are at fault with an increase in corruption as they gain power. Some day there will be a breakdown and the country will suffer. New people will seek power and they too will end up corrupted. Power corrupts, that is the true fact of life.

Enjoy what you have and do today because the polititions are going to rob you blind tomorrow.

We've been at war with islamofascist terrormongers since the 70's. The US simply has refused to admit it. They, on the other hand, continued to attack. In other words, they gave a war and we did not attend until 911. Like all wars, this one will end only when one side is crushed.