Riddle me this Batman

Wild Bill Bucks

New member
I was watching a show about professional shooters, and powder rifles, the other day, and when they loaded they were using a tool on the end of their barrel, to put the exact same pressure on the rod, when they load. It was called a Kaboodlt or kittotle or something like that. Do any of you guys know what this tool is called for sure?

It has a pressure gauge on it, and a lever handle that fits over the rod, and slips onto the barrel for placing and measuring pressure.
Thats a watch`a ma call`ett with pressure guage . No all kidding aside some people get real serious about the amount of pressure used when seating the ball ...as long as my muzzle loaders are punching the same hole at 35 yards I wouldn`t spend the money one something like that . Wouldn`t mind knowing it`s propper name and where the buy them though .:confused:
I have seen an add on this in a magazine,and called the guy and talked to him about it maybe 10 year ago.Seems like it was a Kadotie or Kabotie,I'll keep trying to remember,it might come back to me.I want to say it was with a "D".Kadooty,Kadootie.

O.K. it was a KaDooty Rod it uses a weight on the end of the rod that slides.Don't know about a pressure guage.