Richard Jewel?


New member
I understand that Richard Jewel, the man falsely accused of planting the bomb at the 1996 Olympic pavilion, works as a police officer in a small town in Georgia. Can anyone tell me the name of the town he works in? Thanks.

Robert A. Waters
Author of "The Best Defense: True Stories of Intended Victims Who Dfended Themselves with a Firearm"
I heard he was hired...
And then let go after some time...
or something like that...

uh - don't know...

"The rage is relentless... We need a movement with a quickness.
You are a witness of change and to counteract - We gotta take the power back!"

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
I met Jewel a while back. He quit that department and plans to run for sheriff of Hambersham County. He helps out the academy that I went to with firearms training. He now has enough money that he doesn't have to work; he just wants to stay involved with the job.

He has a good sense of humor about the whole thing. He laughs at all the jokes and tells a few himself. His favorite is to tell you to touch his brand new shiny Gold Edition Four Runner. Of course people very gingerly ease up to and touch like they think that it's going to explode. Then he tells them, "I bet that's the only car that you ever touched that Tom Brokaw bought."

[This message has been edited by legacy38 (edited September 03, 1999).]
When I think of how that man's name has been soiled, I hope his butt rides on rich Corinthian leather while he listens to the best Blaupunct can put out, and all at the expense of T. Browcaw and Louis Freeh.
Legacy, would you email me at I'd like to get a little more information. Thanks.

Richard Jewel; Ruby Ridge; Waco; the Sund/Pelasso murders; the contamination of its crime lab--the FBI ain't what it's always cracked up to be. Is it a coincidence that it all happened under the Clinton administration?

Robert A. Waters
Author of "The Best Defense: True Stories of Intended Victims Who Defended Themselves with a Firearm"
Robert, you're right on that one. Many of us grew up watching FBI TV shows, hearing about 'G men' and generally having the impression the FBI was a professional LE organization. That was always a bit naive, but things have certainly changed as well.

While I blame Bill to a great extent, it also reminds me of that old quote (to paraphrase ... by whom?), 'for evil to triumph, all that is required is for good men to do nothing'. The FBI must have a lot of men and women who were willing to take it to where it is today ...

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited September 04, 1999).]
In Washington you hear the term "G-man."
In Richmond you hear the term "G."

In Richmond it means Gangster. In Washington it means Federal Agent.

To me, they both mean the same thing...

Remember the movie THE FBI STORY? Rent it. It was cool. The FBI has never been the same since. Janet Reno is simply the Don of the most powerful crime family. "The Mafia" is alive and well and living on capitol hill.

I don't mean to sound so revolutionary... I am just a patriot who is disgusted with the "ANIMAL FARM" we got as a government.
It's time to take the meat to the market...

"Supreme authority derives from a mandate from the masses. Not from some farsicle aquatic ceremony."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac

[This message has been edited by George Hill (edited September 04, 1999).]
Richard Jewl stands as an example of how a single pro-constition, pro-gun, patriot trying to earn an honest living, can be demonized by the liberal media. I can remember them (liberal media) showing pictures of Jewl with AR-15's, handguns, etc.. painting him as a danger to society. Now the tides have changed. Normally I'm not big on lawsuits, but in this case I'll make an exception. I'm glad jewl sued the pants off T.B. and the liberal media, and I hope he does it again. Ruining a mans reputation and portraying all gun owners as threats to society is a crime in my eyes and it should be dealt with. I think we as gun owners should get together and take another crack and the slander that the liberal media spreads about gun owner. We need to get a lawyer and take it to court, the SUPREME COURT.
hate to tell you guys the obvious, but the FBI was never professional. they were breaking the law all the way back. how do you think J. Edgar was assembling those dossiers on politicians? illegal wiretaps and mail interception, of course. it apparently was happening all the time Hoover was in charge, which puts it all the way back to pre-WWII.

you have to wonder about an organization that is headed up by, and names its headquarters after, a cross-dressing pedophile like Hoover.
The FBI was born out of a trumped and trumpeted BS case. The "Kansas City Massacre" was the impetus to expand a small, unarmed, group of 14 federal agents into the FBI. The massacre occured when 3 Thompson equipped men, one of whom was reportedly Maching Gun Kelly, attempted to break a prisoner out of the custody of 7 state and federal officers. Apparently, one of the feds paniced and negligently discharged his shotgun into the back of the prisoner's head and them proceeded to blast wildly, killing another 2 agents. All 5 killings were blamed on the 3 "liberators," ignoring the fact that all but 1 death resulted from shotgun wounds.

Kelly denied (his only written denial of a killing) involvement up to the moment he was killed (some say executed) in a field by Melvin Purvis. One of the other two men was found, beaten to death, in a roadside ditch. The final "liberator" was caught, convicted, and executed, much to the delight and credit to the new FBI.

If I remember correctly, it was 3 or so years between the FBI charter and the apprehension/deaths of the 3 "liberators."

That rumour about Hoover was started by a gangsters girlfriend who was trying to get her own butt out of a sling. Not the best or most reliable source, I would think. G.Gordon Liddy speaks about it from time to time (I wish his show was on again in my market...)

Not that Im sticking up for Hoover...he ran the FBI like it was his personal army. He was, in many ways, a very good example of Federalism run amok. A Mafia Don with a badge.

Now, when the U.S. Marshalls name their tactical training center after Deagan, the Marshall killed at Ruby Ridge...thats also a bit of a problem. :(

Pesky typo gremlins....

[This message has been edited by Grenadier2 (edited September 04, 1999).]
As I misremember perzackly, Jewell's disgustingly terrorist butt would be despised by all hands and imprisoned forever due to all the "evidence" located/manufactured by the Feds if he hadn't come up with a videotape which proved conclusively that they were all full of s**t. Still, he was then attacked for somehow setting them up to be sued.

How many others have suffered the same fate except for not finding such a videotape, and are now in the hoosegow?
You always have to look at the motivation.
Among other things our president was able to go on TV and assure the wprld that it was safe to attend the Olympics because of the quick work done by the FBI.

Can you visualize the prelude??? "If you dont arrest somebody-ANYBODY-I'm going to have to shut down the Olympics and whats wrong with your hand?"

Better days to be,

If you REALLY want to get mad, read a book entitled, "Tainting Evidence: Scandals at the FBI Crime Lab", by John Kelly.

In addition to all the fiascos mentioned in previous posts, we haven't even touched on Filegate, Chinagate, or whether FBI profiling (which supposedly led to the harassment of Richard Jewel) is what it's cracked up to be.
