Richard Burr & Kay Hagan Betray NC & USA


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With both of their yea votes in favor of S.649 yesterday Richard Burr & Kay Hagan betrayed all North Carolinians & Americas. I had emailed Senator Burr back in January to urge his support for our Second Amendment rights and not to support any gun control measures being discussed. Below is the main part of the letter he wrote back to me. By voting yea he goes against the letter he sent me.

"I think that violence such as this also raises serious questions about the values promoted by our society and culture. Does the entertainment industry too casually celebrate depictions of violence on television, in movies, and in music without considering the message that these frequent and graphic depictions send to our youth? Do video games promote social isolation and violent behavior, or can they desensitize impressionable young people to the effects for the real-world violence? Are we doing anything to promote fatherhood and positive role models to our children, especially young boys? None of these questions have simple answers.

Unfortunately, rather than a serious, thoughtful investigation of these difficult, complex issues, the conversation in the media and elsewhere seems to be focused almost entirely on one approach: further restrictions on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. As a result, I fear that a knee jerk reaction to this tragedy that focuses solely on guns will only serve to give Americans a false sense of security about public safety, and our children will not be any safer from those who wish to do them harm. That's why I do not believe that many, if not most of the gun proposals under discussion are the answer to this issue, especially since none of them would have prevented this tragedy from happening.

You can be certain I will Keep your views in mind as Congress debates this issues."

North Carolinians Please contact Senator Burr and Hagan and express your displeasure with their support of S.649 and urge them to vote against it with what ever amendments are placed on it.

Richard Burr
Washington, DC - Phone: (202) 224-315
Email -

Kay Hagan
Washington, D.C. - Phone (202) 224-6342
Email -
I already sent Burr an email. I kept the tone "civil" but let him know I thought of his dishonesty. I reminded him that he had promised to back the filibuster to block this bill but now could not be trusted by anyone and might be out of a job next election. I had assumed Hagen would follow the regimes party line but also sent her one along similar lines.
This is all just political theater, so don't judge them too harshly. The dems may not have enough votes to get the bill out of the Senate any way, so this provide political cover by allowing the debate. The repubs look bad if they block the bill without debate, as it makes them look like they are trying to avoid addressing this hot topic. Delay makes certain that another bill will be introduced and this fight has to be revisited. But a defeat will set back these efforts for years. Clinton's political pundit Cargill says a bill has no chance in the House.
Theater schmeater.

Once someone tells a lie, that person is (by definition) a liar. After that, nobody can rely on anything they say.

Of course, I don't have to worry about my congresscritters lying about guns. Both my senators and my U.S. representative are ardent, dies-in-the-wool gun grabbers. They don't even try to hide it ... they're proud of it.
I full expect Hagen to go along with this bill and then try to claim she somehow "stood up for our rights." Burr, on the other hand can't be trusted to do what he says he will do. I wish we could find a better conservative to run against him to get him out of office. Burr is a Republicasn but far from a conservative that we need.
Colt I see what you are saying there but one of the big problems, as I see it with Republicans, is they spend too much time worrying what the other side and the media says about them and not enough standing on principle and doing what is right.
With both of their yea votes in favor of S.649 yesterday Richard Burr & Kay Hagan betrayed all North Carolinians & Americas.
How so? You are aware that they did not vote on the bill itself, but only to move debate forward, right?

Lawmakers opposed to the bill have allowed it to go to the floor for debate for several reasons. First is that the filibuster wasn't going to happen, second is that it couldn't be buried in committee, and third is that they want to kill it in the open.
@Tom - there is a fourth reason. It's quite possible that several senators with the "R" next to their name voted to move the bill out of committee to spank Senators Rubio, Rand and Cruz. The Republican camp is not one large happy family at the moment, and certain of the old guard are quite displeased at any accommodation made to the young guns.
I much prefer killing it in the open, Tom, but kill it we must. Give them a vote in the Senate, and end it right there. Enough of this verdammt back room deal stinko.