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Rich Report Requested


New member
When time and duty permits, a detailed report of the sojourn into the hinterlands of the dark continent would be appreciated. In the Hunt forum I would hope.

The battles with Customs and other politicrats as well as the forays against critters of the polylegged ilk.

Pleasantly suprised you were allowed back into the U.S.

Thanks Sam.
This is gonna take a while to put together, and I'm swamped as usual. For now, know that the tally was:
2nd Largest eland ever taken
1 Hartebeest
1 Reedbuck
1 13.5' Croc
1 Impala
1 Warthog
1 Baboon
1 Civet
3 Buff

Saw much game including a number of lion as close as 20 yards, but no well-maned specimens, worthy of the kill. Struck out on leopard as well....the cats simply will not take bait, as there is so much food "on the hoof" available.

Charged by elephant, once on foot from 40 Yards.

Did some great shooting...most with the DRC Custom 45-70 on buff and some terrible shooting, including missed follow up shots and a lost bush pig.
More to come.
Come on Rich,
You're as bad as Lawdog. You start a story and get us interested, then leave us hanging.:D
I know after that long vacation you're probably swamped with work so i'll wait patiently.
"Charged by elephant, once on foot from 40 Yards."

Yeah, Africa just isn't the same now that most of the elephants have started driving golf carts... :D
Welcome home . . . I am looking forward to your full report, even more than to all the concomitant attempts at humor.
Three B52s and an A10 ? Guess the chevvy was just dessert.

Sam.....do not fly behind dirty Buff, in anything.
I need to get out more. Rich has killed things that I didn't even know existed.
3 Buff

Rich is hunting in the buff now?
No wonder the leopards were scarce!

post the pix on an FTP sight & i will build you a website

Insufferable? Not hardly.

OTOH, I did do it three times!

There we were....in the fast growing shadows of twilight; a moon, holdin' water, now visible in the near dead, sunstreaked sky. The PH turned to me, his rheumy malarial eyes wide, the spent and useless .470 Nitro now cradled in his hands.

The wounded Buff stopped and reeled on us at 30 yards; a mammoth fighting bull, bred only for this moment. He glared at us...trackers, scouts, PH and Hunter...and then he focused. He snorted once, and fixated on me as the source of his discomfort. He gave me the look....the look as though I owed him money.....and then he came for me!

There would be no time for second shots. He came at a dead run, his head high, offering only his nose and boss as targets. At marital distance he dropped his great head for the rush, his horns framing the limits of my future, his sloped forehead finally visible. I snapped the little 45-70 to my cheek and and centered on the tip of the front post, the rear Ashley Ghost Ring near invisible to my eye. The words of others came in a rush:
"45-70 isn't enough gun"
"Front sight...press"
Then, seemingly from nowhere, came the explosion and the punch. The Buff.....
But I'm real busy right now, it's late and that's a tale for another night.
Insufferable? Not hardly. :D
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Rich, you have spent too much time with Jeff. Three joined-horned infidels on one trip! Large, black-maned lions are like 70lb per side jumbo, keep at it long enough and you will find one. In September when I was over , Dick Cabela and his family were hunting Matetsi. His party and the adjoining group, a total of twelve hunters, took 2 lion. Only one was black maned and it was not particularly huge. You must tell me more about your .45-70 rifle and ammo. Best, Rob
I will never complain about my job again.I will never complain about my job again.I will never complain about my job again.I will never complain about my job again.I will never complain about my job again.I will never complain about my job again.I will never complain about my job again.I will never complain about my job again.



Seriously, I put those two guys right up there with window washers as far as having big brass ones. No way, no how would anybody get me in that water, let alone dragging a big hunk of meat along to attract a croc.