Rich Lucibella, TFL administrators and the "vote".

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Rich, Administrators;
I appreciate your concern about the posts you are questioning.

I would like to say this.........

The wisdom and understanding of the world around us comes from somewhere. In deep space there is a vacuum because there is no surrounding matter. Ideas, arguments, thoughts, short, the flow of information gives "life" to what may otherwise be a vacuous condition. Our lives are enriched by the flow of information.... ideas, suggestions, thoughts, etc. We all are not always going to agree. As moderators you have charged yourselves with the responsibility of administering this board with your own set of goals. No doubt your goal is make TFL go its course in your image. I have not seen a mission statement so I am left to assume there is some profit motive in seeing TFL grow. That is not a bad thing as I would probably do likewise.

In the interests of furthering the pro gun cause, I would ask "who is to judge what is in its best interest"? What I mean by that is this.......... We do not live in deep space, there is no vacuum here. We are surrounded by ideas and the people who carry them. Do we let events take their course or do we "intervene" in some way? Granted, these are not easy questions to answer.

Let the ideas prosper. Let them take their course. They will enrich all who may come accross them as understanding will arise from their expression. To take any other course is like taking the course of the media who have determined for us what direction society may take. This is dangerous and damaging to human progression. (let's not fool with mother nature, so to speak) We must let events take their course without our intervention with preconcieved ideas as to how things should be. People are smarter than most give them credit for. We are able to reason and judge to our own personal degrees. We cannot hope to arrive at some desired outcome by narrowing our focus or attempting to direct the course of events in the direction we have deemed necessary. We must "let the process continue" in the interests of learning, in the interests of our common goals (freedom).

If this has failed to persuade you one way or another, then allow me to relate some experiences that have caused the decline or failure of some other BBS's that I have been part of (I started out on the net when you still had to use a "gopher"). In one case, the individual charged with administering the site eventually banned all discussion with a political bent on his hunting related BBS. Outwordly, this seemed to be the right course. But, and this is a big "BUT", he failed to realize that these political discussions were either directly or indirectly related to his continued enjoyment of the right to hunt. All I see now on his site is a very narrow, focused discussion with a concomitant decline in his "viewership". He has inadvertantly caused many people to become dis-interested in his site due to his narrow focus and thus caused many of them to seek out other alternatives in expressing their views. His hit counter has flattened out.

Many discussions related to firearms ownership "progress" to different subject material as the people posting see some kind of "link" to their continued right to own firearms embedded in that subject. The firearms issue is not a narrow one and must be addressed in a broader social context. We do ourselves a dis-service by "narrowing" our focus to the point where people then seek out other venues. The firearms issue is narrow enough as it is and we need to address it it a broader context so that it may "take its course". Our "understanding" will be the benefactor, our "strenght of argument" will prosper. Let those with an axe to grind have their say, we become the richer for it.
Kinda like relaxed policing of certain areas of a town, huh Frank?
Then you can have all the drug dealers, hookers and any other perversion you want.

Its real easy and even free to set up your own BBS, forum or chat board. Seems to me to be rather communistic to insist an established board follow your desires. Though, it does make it easy since the audience is already there and you don't have to put the effort into building it.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I think it is wise to avoid being put in the position Soldier of Fortune magazine and Paladin Press have been in. If you want to discuss armed "resistance", you are better off choosing your forum wisely and using encryption to pass along your ideas on the subject. I really have no desire to explain my connection to TFL because some member(s) decided to "go down in flames" after posting their thoughts on the subject.
One WORD, people... Just One Word could damage us beyond repair. If One of these openly hostile anti government posts gets passed to the wrong person - it could be used against us all.
Think about it people - WE are ALL on the SAME TEAM here. USE YOUR BRAINS - You dont go out into the public and yell out "FIRE!" or any other inflamotory remark.
And thats what ANY POST here on TFL is... HCI , FBI, ATF - You pick'm - probably has some one paid full time to either read TFL or pose as members... (Can I get that job? :) )

This isn't just about Who May be watching... We have members who are LEOs and work for the Government that are good people and contribute a great deal to TFL... How do think they feel when they are bombarded like they have been? They have been slandered alot these last months - and yet have maintained to TFL Principles and have taken the higher road. This only goes to prove - these are good people. The best society has to offer. They are EXAMPLES to us all. I would not want to call them my enemy.
There are enough enemies out there for us to deal with.
We have succeded in letting ourselves get divided by them. And THATS HOW THEY HAVE BEEN BEATING US! We gave up the TEC 9 and others - giving them a beachhead - Then they are taking the SKS... A little more of our soil... Now they want the AR-15 and the evil SNIPER RIFLE (read that as your Daddies old huntin gun)... Then what? Then we have LOST it all together...

Come one now - lets get together... Drop this whole GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH thing. Who are you yelling that at? US? We know - we know... You dont have to preach to the choir. But using that as some kinda verbal slam on TFL is - well... is proof of your being ignorant of who is on TFL and everything we do to both promote and defend our "Gun Culture."

Not all Liberals are annoying... Some are Dead.
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Believe it or not bandwidth doesn't grow on trees it costs money. So someone here is paying for you to have your say here. If they are paying they surely have a right to have some rules on limiting the topics of discussion.

You want to say what you like get a site and pay for it. There are hundreds of places to go on the web to post what you like.
Go to frugal squirrels board if you want a more revolutionary type of discussion.
HCI lies. The FBI lies. ATF lies. There is a whole investigaion going on right now over it. They can always make up whatever they damn well please. I see and agree with you point about loose lips, but it don't hold water. If the facts aren't there, they just invent them. If there is someone watching here, I would imagine it's a 7/24 job. To delete posts on a 7/24 basis is a pretty large undertaking, and not at all a prospect any moderator or admin would want to undertake, I'm sure. With a couple thousand some registered members and who-knows-how-many readers, the only positve way to stop what you mention is to close the forum. I for one don't enjoy that prospect any more than anyone else.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Come on, people. Man, I wish they would delete this posts. What a waste of TFL server space...I come here to talk about guns and related stuff, and the occasional off topic discussion about movies (I remember when people ASKED permission to go off topic like that). This is all absurd. I'll have a say when I have to pay.

I am SERIOUS, all this BS might drive me away. If you don't like his rules, get off his board.
A lot of good points have been made above, and it appears some folks are getting a bit testy about this whole issue. That's understandable. TFL has become a unique and important experience for many of us.

First, regarding the potential 'profit motive'. I personally don't give a rat's ass if there ultimately is one - but I'll say this - if there is, it is probably the poorest profit motive Rich or anyone else on his team has ever pursued. As far as I can tell, this is a labor of love for all of the folks that work on TFL. If you think about it, there is no way this discussion forum is going to make a lot of bucks - this will never be the next 'Yahoo'. The motive of the current discussion is simple - keep TFL respectable, interesting and as factual as possible. Anything else retains only the 'black helicopter' crowd, and everyone else departs for greener pastures. IMHO.

So, Rich and our moderators would make subjective decisions, to the best of their ability, to manage this board. That's right - manage it. This isn't a free love concert, and there's nothing wrong with managing an enterprise like this in order to help it satisfy its customers and moderators, and stay within the realm of acceptable behavior in our society. For those who don't want it managed at all, how would you feel if some punks started posted handy instructions for nuclear bombs, pipe bombs, brewing poison in your bathtub, how to defeat LEO tactics or whatever? There are limits, no?

TFL is valuable to me because it does attract such a high quality of participants. I have greatly enjoyed the ability to learn from countless LEO's, military personnel and civilian shooters with many years of experience. I darn sure don't want to see them driven away by post after post regarding how we can take over Idaho with just a few well-placed militia members ...

By the same token, it is a fine line. While I usually ignore the UN / NWO discussions, I have been educated here on TFL as to the UN's extension of 'disarmament' down to the level of stripping individual citizens of small arms. That was an eye-opener. I hope that kind of discussion is still seen as pertinent, and retained here on TFL.

I voted 'no' in this discussion simply because I believe we'll be best served by retaining the 'odd' post, locking it, and explaining the lock. I think it will show other members and lurkers how the moderators are interpreting the rules, and that will encourage more cooperation and understanding. Rather like publishing court cases exposes the 'logic' of current judicial thinking [a possible contradiction in terms, I realize ;) ]. It will probably also be seen as more courteous by the posters. And when this happens, let's quit beating on the moderators - they're volunteers, doing the best they can. Go elsewhere if you want to fall on your sword.

This seems like a good time to remind Rich and our moderators that we appreciate all that they do. TFL is unique. We may be going through a growing pain here, but we'll get through it, and TFL will be better for the effort. Please don't get discouraged. You've created a fantastic resource here, and it has spawned many other positive actions in support of the RKBA. You are making an important difference at an important time in history. This is more than just a discussion board - it is helping to not only educate the new shooters, but it is also doing a great deal to rally efforts to save the RKBA. Let's keep the ball rolling.

Best wishes, and regards from AZ

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited October 06, 1999).]
I'm going to lock this thread. My reasons are as follows:
-We each know the issues here.
-"Free Speech on TFL" will not dominate this Board. It's a spurious argument, in light of our Policies.
-This subject has already been talked to death...a vote is now going on to confirm or reject actions already available to us in the Policies.
-Neither I, nor the rest of the Staff, is at all interested in babysitting another argument about our "hidden agenda".

Thanks all for your understanding.
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