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Rich L. I've tried everything


New member
I just tried everything suggested. I typed up a nice reply in the test area and it happend again? Poof it's gone!

What's up with the busted cookies? This is the only site on the whole planet that REQUIRES me to delete cookies that come FROM the site.

I tried to post this in the test area.

What hardware are you using?

What ISP?

What browser?

What operating system?

Have you restored your browser defaults?

Have you cleaned up your computer with scandisk, defrag, etc.?

Nobody else seems to have the problems you're having, so obviously you haven't "tried everything."
check your options under User CP...

Suggestion, go check your setting and make sure both of the following are set to "yes"....

Automatically login when you return to the site? (uses cookies)

Browse board with cookies?

I had similar problems (can't post first message when I returned to site), until I changed the settings to "Yes" on both.
others do have the same problem


If this wasn't a problem why is there a troubleshooting section regarding busted cookie removal on this web site? Here we go again testing testing
It's not that I'm unsympathetic. It's just that I don't have an answer for you.

Respond to the hardware/software queries above and maybe we can help.

Are there other sites that use vBulletin where you don't have the problem?

Are you on AOL?

No website can be all things to all users.

There are too many versions of too many web browers in circulation. AOHell's browser has been a constant problem for many websites, not just this one.

Firewalls and other security features have also been another annoyance.

Finally is the individual user's configuration, and possibly other resident programs the user is running.

Finally, ISPs themselves can be the cause of some problems.

The troubleshooting section is here for that purpose, helping people through some of the issues that they face.

I don't think anyone has ever claimed that this site presents to every one flawlessly.

That's simply not realistic.

You really need to start sharing information on your PC's set up if you want resolution. If it were a global problem, we'd all be having it consistently.

Since we're not...