RIA M200?


What's the verdict on the M200 .38 special revolvers from Armscor/Rock Island Armory?


I've heard some Phillipino security/law enforcement agencies use them. How is the quality? I see them on Bud's Gun Shop for $214 brand new with free shipping. At such a low price, it's tempting, but I also wonder about the quality at that price point. I can't imagine them being very good or durable.

They do their warranty work out of Nevada (even though they are manufactured in the Phillipines) and come with a lifetime warranty. They don't say they are rated for +p in the manual but apparently if you call up and ask they say they are good for +p when needed, just not a steady diet of them. The one I shot had a pretty heavy tigger that wasn't too smooth but certainly not bad at the price point. Finish is ugly but rugged. Would make a superb truck gun.
Don't own one but a friend does and have shot it plenty of times with him. Like the Previous Poster said the finish is ugly although I would call it utilitarian as I have a soft spot for tools that are there to serve a purpose and nothing else. The trigger on my friends smoothed out noticeably after a lot of use. He never uses +P and with standard loads it has preformed well. Fit and Finish will certainly not live up to Ruger or S&W but then again I don't think its supposed to.

Overall good shooter that is not pretty but more than likely not supposed to be.

On another note I have several Rock Island semi's and love them all. I think from a value perspective I have nothing else in the safe that comes close.
Based on my experience with my RIA 1911 and the reviews of all of their other guns, I would not hesitate to buy one. I would if I didn't already have a similar gun (70s era Taurus Model 84) that shoots well.
Personally, I think the entire concept of a "truck gun" is a poor idea, but I'll admit begrudgingly that it's much more a poor idea for -ME- than perhaps for others, but I would still argue the point if anyone cared to. :p

I would probably buy one of these revolvesr if they offered a 6" barrel and an adjustable rear sight. The price makes them interesting.

However, when the rubber meets the road-- the biggest roadblock that I believe the RIA has against it (again... in my world...) is the prevalence of fantastic used K-frame S&W revolvers in all different sizes and degrees of wear. A rough looking K-38 is going to be, in my opinion, a whole much better deal than one of these RIA's.

On the flipside, I do also understand that there is a large segment of the gun buying public that is extremely leery of used guns. Those folks and I get along famously because we both enjoy shooting and neither of us dips in to the others market of goodies! :D
Yep I've got some FINE used S&W revolvers, but for some reason, the low price of the RIA makes it interesting to say the least. I also think they look kind of cool.

I REALLY like the looks of that little M206... the smaller shape and the wood grips really set it off for me.
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I'm happy with the DAO 206 that I purchased a short time back.

The trigger is 'new gun' heavy, but very smooth and crisp.

Even when they do their nickel finish on the DAO like I purchased, they just do it over the same rough utilitarian finish that is on their matte blue offerings which pales next to the finish of their 1911 offerings that I've seen.

I recall reading on this forum where a member said something to the effect of them being the "Hi Point of revolvers", and that may not be so far from wrong.

Bottom line being that they're somewhat ugly which should be expected at the price point for a new firearm, but they do what they're designed to do quite well and come with an outstanding warranty.

That sort of wipes a bit of the ugly away and I am likely to pick up an M200 one day just because.
I had a horrible set of experiences with the m206 model. First one wouldn't hold timing and spit lead and jackets at my face. Would hit everywhere but center of primer. I sent it back to Nevada and had them try to correct it.

After 6 weeks I stared calling about it. I never could get a hold of anyone or had my calls dropped. My Dealer I bought it from took it upon himself to have someone on his staff to call them every hour.

They finally called me back and said the gun arrived there but was lost somewhere and they couldn't find it. By the end of the week they sent another. The Dealer and I test fired it and it had similar issues. Enough he wouldn't let me leave with it.

He sent that one back as well and handled the whole thing. 3 weeks later they sent me a 3rd gun that was I guess to say well used. It was in pretty poor condition and locked up super tight after 20rds.

The dealer had his Gunsmith fix it and I put it up on consignment at his shop and took a loss.

I have since bought other inexpensive revolvers of this size that I have had no issues with. A Rossi .38 a new production Taurus, a new Charter arms and even a Eaa windicator in .357. All run and look much better fit and finish wise than the Armscor.

The m206 and 200 are neat...They just need to up the quality of the manufacturing process of them.
After 6 weeks I stared calling about it. I never could get a hold of anyone or had my calls dropped. My Dealer I bought it from took it upon himself to have someone on his staff to call them every hour.

They finally called me back and said the gun arrived there but was lost somewhere and they couldn't find it. By the end of the week they sent another. The Dealer and I test fired it and it had similar issues. Enough he wouldn't let me leave with it.

He sent that one back as well and handled the whole thing. 3 weeks later they sent me a 3rd gun that was I guess to say well used. It was in pretty poor condition and locked up super tight after 20rds.

Sorry to hear your bad experience. I had my brand new M200 sent back for excessive cylinder gaps by contacting them with email. They have a rep at 1911 forum. Got reply same day, actually in a few hours, and next day their warranty guy contacted me and sent me a return shipper. 6 weeks later, I had a brand new M200 shipped to me. Their gunsmith put a note in the box and said my M200 was exceeding the factory cylinder gap spec and they replaced it with a new gun. S&W spec is 12/1000 if I remember correctly and my M200 was 11/1000. I sent it back thinking it was too much for a new gun and they replaced it. I always contacted them by emails, I heard there was a period of time they were moving and no one attending the phone. I used their warranty for my 1911 as well for needing a slide stop, always got my emails replied in 24 hours. Their Customer Service is good.
I guess if they have a rep that's active on a forum it would pay to be punctual.

Certainly wasn't the case for my Dealer and I.
I would disagree with their customer service based on my experience.