RI Civil Suit (LONG)

David Schmidbauer

Retired Screen Name
Don't know the Boni Fides on this.....


Plaintiff, :
vs. : Civil Action #


Plaintiff, Scott Traudt ("Traudt") brings this action for temporary
injunctive relief, permanent injunctive relief, nominal damages,
compensatory damages, and the costs of suit pursuant to 18 USCS 3, 18
USCS Section 4, 18 USCS 921 ("The Gun Control Act of 1968" and "The
National Firearms Act of 1934"), 18 USCS 922 ("The Brady Act of 1994"),
18 USCS 1961 ("The Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization Act"), 42
USCS 1983 ("The Civil Rights Act of 1871"), 47 USCS 303 and 309
("Telegraphs, Telephones, and Radiotelegraphs") and, via the assertion
of pendent Rhode Island State Law claims pursuant to Title 11-47 of the
Rhode Island General Laws. Common Law claims are also asserted.

The Parties

1. Plaintiff Traudt is a citizen of the United States of America who did
not come by his citizenship pursuant to the 16th Amendment to the United
States Constitution. Traudt is a citizen of the State of Rhode Island
and Providence Plantations ("Rhode Island"). Traudt is a resident of the
City of Warwick, Rhode Island.
2. Defendant Town of North Providence, 2000 Smith St., North Providence,
RI 02911, is a municipality sued pursuant to Title 45 of the Rhode
Island General Laws.
3. Defendant John Does 1-4 of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and
Firearms, 380 Westminister Mall, Providence, RI 02903, are sued in their
official capacities as being those agents of the United States
Government who had a duty to act to prevent the violations of federal
law to be
summarized in the following, who omitted to act, and who are those
individuals Traudt is under obligation of the federal duty elucidated in
18 USCS Sections 3 and 4 to make judicial notice of in the misprision of
a felony(s).
4. Defendants Jerry and Jennifer Does 1-4 are as yet unknown employees
of the federally regulated (pursuant to the Federal Communications
Commission) and federally licensed television station WJAR-TV 10
operating out of transmission sites in Cranston and Providence, Rhode
Island, and who are conducting interstate commerce across state lines
via the "internet," (commonly called "the web"), and who are conducting
such business activities through an as yet unknown internet service
provider ("ISP"). WJAR-TV is an affiliate of a New York Station,
defendant National Broadcasting Corporation ("NBC"), 30 Rockefeller
Center, NY, NY 10112.
5. Representative Patrick Kennedy ("Kennedy"), 286 Main St., Providence,
RI 02860, is a United States Congressman representing the 1st
Congressional District of Rhode Island. Kennedy is sued here in his
official capacity.
6. Defendants James and Joanne Does 1-4 are staffers of Kennedy and are
sued in their official capacities as federal employees.
7. Defendant NBC is a New York corporation.


8. The violations of federal and state laws alleged by Traudt took place
in Rhode Island, and will take place in Rhode Island, on or about July
31st and at dates as yet uncertain prior to July 31st.

The acts and omissions to act by defendants require immediate local
federal remedy. NBC is a New York corporation sued because of violations
of federal and state law and also because of its status as an
out-of-state legal entity.


9. There is only one United States District Court for the District of
Rhode Island. There are no alternatives for Traudt, who is compelled
pursuant to 18 USCS 3 and 4 to make judicial notice of the misprision of
a felony occurring in his presence or to which he has knowledge before
the fact, and that he has knowledge after the fact.


10. On or about July 31st, 1999, defendants are seeking to hold an event
entitled a "gun buyback." At this event, which is being run under the
authority and management of uniformed, armed police officers of the Town
of North Providence, firearms subject to regulation under various
federal and state laws are to be surrendered by individuals in return
for the payment of $25 in cash or gift certificates.
11. Federal firearms regulations are listed in the Code of Federal
Regulations (CFRs) in title 27.
12. The Town of North Providence does not hold a Federal Firearms
license pursuant to 27 CFR 178.21.
13. The Town of North Providence will not be doing background checks and
criminal records checks on individuals as mandated by federal law, nor
will they be doing the required NICS computer felony check as required
by "The Brady Act."
14. The Town of North Providence will not be filling out, nor keeping
records form 4473 "yellow sheets" as required under federal law 27 CFR
15. The Town of North Providence will engage in the transport of stolen
weapons in violation of 27 USCS 33.
16. The Town of North Providence will, by and through its armed,
uniformed police officers, commit de facto larceny of a firearm in
violation of 27 CFR 178.33(a) by failing to return stolen weapons to
their rightful owners.
17. The Town of North Providence will take possession and maintain
ownership and control of automatic weapons in violation of "The National
Firearms Act of 1934."("NFA").
18. The Town of North Providence will fail to make a $200 payment to the
government of the United States of America for each weapon so regulated
under the NFA and surrendered for monetary compensation to the Town of
North Providence, in violation of 27 CFR 178.81.
19. The Town of North Providence will take possession of automatic
weapons made illegal by their manufacture after May 19, 1986 pursuant to
27 CFR 178.36.
20. The Town of North Providence is engaging in the conduct of a
firearms enterprise as defined by 27 CFR 178.41 and in violations of
same CFR.
21. The Town of North Providence is knowingly and recklessly
disregarding the record keeping requirements of 27 CFR 178.121 and in
particular the guidelines of section 922(m) in that it is knowingly
making non-entries regarding its firearms purchases.
22. The Town of North Providence is knowingly failing to make positive
identification of all sellers of a firearm to itself pursuant to 27 CFR
23. The Town of North Providence is knowingly failing to identify each
and every armed and uniformed member of its police department taking
possession of weapons regulated under the NFA, Brady, GCA 1968, the
CFRs, and Rhode Island Law.
24. The Town of North Providence is failing to complete a federal "Form
5" as defined by 27 CFR 179.90 in the purchase of firearms.
25. The Town of North Providence is violating the record keeping
provisions of 27 CFR 179.131.
26. The Town of North Providence is in complete violation of 27 CFR
178.124 in that it cannot dispose of a firearm without completing a
federal form 4473 form for each such weapon.
27. Defendants Town of North Providence, defendants Kennedy, defendants
Jerry and Jennifer Does 1-4, defendants James and Joanne Does 1-4,
defendants John Does 1-4, and defendants NBC and WJAR constitute a
criminal conspiracy as defined by the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt
Organization Act (18 USCS 1 et. seq.) in that, by incorporating all of
the Facts Numbers 9 through 26 et. al., they obstructed federal criminal
investigations (Section 1510) and state and local criminal
investigations (Section 1511) by virtue of Facts 30, and 31-35, which
are here incorporated by reference.
28. Defendant Town of North Providence will destroy evidence of crimes
for which there is federal punishment. Defendants Jerry, John, Jennifer,
and Joanne, and Kennedy all have knowingly and willingly participated
and facilitated the aforesaid acts and will continue to do so on or
July 31st.
29. Pursuant to 18 USCS 4, Traudt is making judicial notice of these
30. Defendants Town of North Providence and defendants Jerry, John,
Jennifer, and Joanne Does 1-4, and Kennedy all have knowingly and
willingly participated in the larceny of weapons regulated under federal
and state law (11-47-22) and the destruction of personal property made
illegal by 11-47-22.
31. Defendants Town of North Providence and defendants Jerry, John,
Jennifer, and Joanne Does 1-4, and Kennedy all have knowingly encouraged
individuals to commit felonies in violation of RIGL 11-47-5 in that they
have facilitated the intrastate transport of firearms by convicted
32. Defendants Town of North Providence and defendants Jerry, John,
Jennifer, and Joanne Does 1-4, and Kennedy all have knowingly
facilitated the larceny of firearms by creating and facilitating a
conspiracy to avoid federal and state firearms laws regarding the
larceny of firearms and the return of stolen firearms to their rightful
owners, who have a state and Common Law property interest in such
weapons. Such actions are violative of RIGL 11-47-5.1 and 11-47-22.
33. Defendants Town of North Providence and defendants Jerry, John,
Jennifer, and Joanne Does 1-4, and Kennedy all have knowingly
facilitated the intrastate transport of firearms in violation of
11-47-10 and 11-47-11 in that transport of firearms is illegal in Rhode
Island to anywhere but one's business, a bona fide gun range, or a
licensed gun dealer subject to 27 CFR et. seq.
34. Defendants Town of North Providence and defendants Jerry, John,
Jennifer, and Joanne Does 1-4, and Kennedy all have knowingly
facilitated violations of 11-47-35 and 11-47-35.2 in that there is a 7
day waiting period for the transfer of firearms in the state of Rhode
35. Defendant Town of North Providence is in violation of RIGL 11-47-58
in that it has violated the state pre-emption regarding the regulation
of firearms. North Providence has no statutory right to create and
maintain firearms regulations or enforcement actions in contravention of
state law.
36. Defendants NBC and WJAR and defendants Jerry and Jennifer Does 1-4
have knowingly violated federal and state laws regarding the creation
and continuance of a criminal enterprise as defined by RICO and in
contravention of the Federal Communications Commission laws regarding
the conduct of federal broadcast license holders.
37. Defendants NBC and WJAR and John and Jane Does 1-4 have used
interstate commerce via the internet to aid and assist a criminal
conspiracy in violation of the aforementioned federal and state laws. In
summary, they have aided and abetted the destruction of firearms, the
larceny of firearms, the intrastate transport of firearms, the violation
of numerous federal and state gun control laws, and the obstruction of
criminal investigations pursuant to 18 USCS 1510 and 1511.
38. Defendants NBC and WJAR has violated FCC rules.
39. Defendant Kennedy has knowingly, pursuant to 18 UCSC 1510 and 1511,
organized and maintained the aforementioned criminal conspiracy in
concert with the other named defendants. He has also violated 18 USCS 4
("Misprision of a felony") in that he had knowledge of the commission of
a felony.
40. The Town of North Providence's agents and armed, uniformed police
officers have, and will continue to have, knowledge of the actual
commission of a felony in violation of 18 USCS 4. Being armed in the
commission of a felony is in itself a felony pursuant to 18 USCS 921.
41. Defendants NBC and WJAR has knowledge of the actual commission of a
felony in violation of 18 USCS 4.
42. Defendants John and Jane Does 1-4 have actual knowledge of the
commission of a felony in violation of 18 USCS 4.
43. Defendants BATF agents John Does 1-4 have, and continue to have,
knowledge of the commission of multiple felonies at prior buybacks in
violation of 18 USCS 4.
44. Defendants BATF agents John Does 1-4 have actual knowledge of the
commission of the felony theft of firearms by uniformed, armed police
officers at prior buybacks in the state of Rhode Island, in violation of
18 USCS 4.
45. Defendants BATF agents John Does 1-4 refuse to take enforcement
action against the other defendants under the terms of their employment
by the government of the United States of America and in violation of
their oath of office and in contravention of the GCA 1968, the Brady
Law, the NFA, and the RICO Act.
46. Plaintiff Traudt has suffered the violation of civil rights pursuant
to 42 USCS 1983, in that his civil rights as guaranteed by the
Constitution of the United States of America, have been violated under
color of federal law, state law, and usage by BATF agents James and
Joanne Does 1-4, and by the Town of North Providence, and by defendant
47. Defendant NBC knew, or should have known, that the actions of its
employees in Rhode Island violated federal and state laws, and as such
is violative of 18 USCS 3 in that it had knowledge of past prior acts
and the commission of felonies by defendants Jane and John Does 1-4.
48. Defendant NBC holds a broadcast license from the Federal
Communications Commission under the rules stipulated in 47 USCS 303 and
309, and must use its license in the furtherance of the "public
interest" or risk suspension of its license. NBC, through its affiliate
WJAR-TV, is not acting in the "public interest" when it knowingly
participates in the destruction of criminal evidence, the creation of an
unregulated black market in firearms, the hindrance of criminal
investigations, the interstate transport in automatic weapons, the
larceny of firearms, the destruction of Rhode Islanders' personal
property, and the participation in organized criminal activities made
illegal under 18 USCS 1510 and 1511.
49. Defendant NBC had, based on in-house investigative resources,
superior knowledge that the Providence Police Department (here not named
as a defendant) had not properly disposed of firearms at the last
WJAR/NBC buyback in Providence, RI, and had super knowledge that
corruption in the Providence Police Department was widespread, yet still
facilitated a gun buyback where firearms were surrendered to these same
armed, uniform personnel largely responsible for their own crime wave in
Providence, and the subject of numerous investigations.
50. It is a fact that weapons from the last buyback in Providence were
sold by Providence Police officers in Coventry, RI.
51. It is a fact that at prior buybacks municipalities in this state
have violated the same laws cited above

Plea for Relief

52. Traudt hereby request temporary injunctive relief from this court in
the form of an order barring the July 31st gun buyback from taking
53. Traudt hereby requests permanent injunctive relief barring any
further gun buybacks from taking places in this state.
54. Traudt hereby requests reasonable attorney's fees in his pro se
55. Traudt seeks compensate damages from the defendants.
56. Traudt seeks the suspension of the FCC broadcast license of WJAR-TV
for its numerous and repeated participation in the aforementioned
criminal acts.


Plaintiff a jury trial for issues so triable. Plaintiff seeks injunctive
relief where deemed appropriate by the court.

Pro se,

Scott Traudt
3595 Post Rd.
Warwick, RI 02886

Dated: July 22, 1999.

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
WHOA! I hope this works. It sure would educate alot of people on just how restrictive gun laws really are.

They've tried "Buy backs" here twice. Both were miserable failures and a total embaressment to the organizers.
This is great! My first thought was that I wanted to be able to keep track of how this progresses (without calling Scott Traudt at home).

Scott apparently is a regular on another gun board. There is some mention of it there and might be a good source for updates.

ubi ignes est?
This sounds like a self-written and self-filed suit. It is a mishmash that, I think, will be simply dismissed. There are some very valid points, but if Mr. Traudt wants to be taken seriously, my first recommendation is that he hire an attorney (and no, I am not an attorney trying to drum up business!).

Gun buyback programs almost always involve violations of the law, and gun laws do not generally provide for buybacks or even voluntary surrender without punishment if laws are broken. There needs to be a suit requiring that all concerned obey the law, even if it means ending the buyback or surrender program.
