Revo's - IDPA/IPSC - acceptable mods?


New member
Hey all,

I've got a 625JM that I've been playing with for the past 5000 rounds and absolutely love the gun. I'm going to compete with this thing at some point in the near future and have been thinking of what kind of mods I can do to the gun that won't get me pushed into some kind of open class.

Can someone enlighten me on the following:

1. Trigger jobs (DAO style, lightest possible weight?)
2. DAO conversions (including bobbing the hammer)
3. Titanium cylinder conversions

Any thoughts on this stuff? Long and short of it, these are things I want to do anyway, I just don't want to do something to the gun that disqualify it from competition...
Check over on in the revolver section..

I have seen a few 625s worked over by Randy Lee with some incredible actions...DAO only hammers with Ti Cylinders...

nice machines...
IDPA rules are that if a modification is not specifically allowed, then it is forbidden.

1. Trigger jobs are authorized.
2. DAO trigger conversion is authorized. Bobbing the hammer spur is allowed but I am sorry I had it done to a gun of mine. As part of the Load And Make Ready, it is wise to draw the hammer back far enough to drop the cylinder stop and roll the cylinder to be sure you don't have a high primer, bent clip, or dirt under the star that will bind rotation.
3. They do not list cylinder replacement and I doubt B'ville would approve of a titanium .45 cylinder in a gun not originally sold with it.

USPSA is less regimented and you can go with a Ti cylinder. So if you want the latest gimmick and wish to shoot both events, save the steel cylinder and be sure they are interchangeably fitted.

May I humbly suggest that the first thing you do is GO SHOOTING before you start messing with the gun. Some actual matches will give you a better idea of what you need to do to the gun to help you shoot better.
May I humbly suggest that the first thing you do is GO SHOOTING before you start messing with the gun. Some actual matches will give you a better idea of what you need to do to the gun to help you shoot better.

Jim, that's good advice. And I do agree with you 100%. No changes will be made prior to actually competing...

However, as background, I put 5,300 rounds through my 625 since May, 2005, most of it fired in what we call "tactical tuesday" - think IDPA-IPSC lite. Normally 12-16 round courses. Entry is limited first come first served, eight people max due to limited space. We have no classifications, so revo's (me...) and auto's (everyone else) compete together. The events are timed and the awards given are bragging rights for the week.

Like the man-on-man event where I beat several police officers one night. No big deal until one guy pipes up "Holy POOP! That's a REVOLVER!" Damn, got found got personal after that. I went six for eight that night, lost one match to a guy who actually competes (He dusted me before I could get into my second reload. I later found out he's trying for Master IPSC this year...) and a second one due to a bobbled reload (threw the moonclip downrange instead of into the revo...).

Long and short of it, I noted that I do much better with a lighter trigger pull (thank you S&W set screw accidentally backing out!). I also do not shoot in SA with this particular gun at all. It's DAO or nothing...

Bottom line: I'm faster at my local range than all but two guys - the RO and the IPSC competitor. They've both been riding me to actually get competitive...

So I figure I owe it to myself to go out and get my butt kicked by those who know better!

Still, either case, I do want to get a trigger job and bob the hammer. This particular gun is going to be my fun gun. My GP100 6" is my hunter. My Grizzly WinMag is my boomer. And the 625JM is for fun.

i just wanted to make sure that I could make the changes and still compete with it!