Revolvers from Alpha by CZ


I was thinking of putting down the money for one of these at my favorite dealer's, and pick it up as soon as my application has been duly signed by the local coffee slurpers'.
(Welcome to Europe.)
The gun is a .22, function is conventional DA with an exposed hammer and barrel length is 2 1/2", if memory serves.
Fixed sights, el cheapo nickel finish, 9 shots and it's kinda lightweight with an oversized wood grip, finger grooved. Smaller grips are available.
We don't have CCW (even the cops don't carry guns here, they have to store them in their squad cars), so it will strictly be a piece for range fun and making my friends laugh as I pass it off as a "pimp gun" :)

I was wondering if anyone owns one of these guns or otherwise have any info on them? It would be much appreciated. The low price tag gives me a bit of pause, although I know that guns from the East can be a steal.
The Alpha line of revolvers apparently has only been available in this country for about 1 year.

I have considered the American offerings, but the current strength of the U.S. dollar does not favor them over here. Besides, the Ruger SP101 is a bit too heavy and I don't wanna give "&" my money.

I'm sorry......

....part of the headline mysteriously disappeared from the post above, rendering it rather meaningless, not unlike much domestic firearms legislation... :(

It should read as follows: "Revolvers from Alpha by CZ".

"Alpha" is a line of rimfire and centerfire revolvers that CZ started offering around 1995. When I think about it, there might be some problems with import of these guns to the US.

Solidarity, my brother!

and I don't wanna give "&" my money.
If any gun company wipes their feet on your rights in Norge, let me know, and I'll boycott them, too!

Anytime you're in Tennessee, you have a place to shoot and the ammunition is on the house! :):):)
It turned out to be a 3 incher and...

....I sprung for it! To top it off, I got 3 extra sets of wood grips for free, as this was the last Alpha revolver they had. One set was identical to the ones mounted and there was also a set of abbreviated grips with a recess for the pinky.

Sounds good?!
I got to fire it also, as the business is a combined gunshop/range.
It shot/felt just cool, with recoil characteristics a bit different from the Buck Mark 5.5 incher. The only downside: On firing CB caps, the cylinder jammed! And I had to knock the gun against the palm of my hand and fiddle a bit with the cylinder to make it crank again.

But it functioned and shot well with Remington CBee, which is a kind of short, 30 grain bullet in a full-length case. The box states velocity to 720 fps and only 34 f-lbs. Probably sedate enuff for a bit of plinking at the "ranch", not too loud either

Shooting DA, I managed to put 6 out of 9 shots in the 8-in. black area of the target at 25 meters. I didn't think that was too shabby, considering.....

Tamara, a gunowner is a gunowner regardless of nationality :) Thanks for the invitation.... :) We don't want them to run to other places and sell their merchandise now do we...
Molon labe, or as we would say in Norwegian "kom og hent dem!"

On the geographical origins of these guns.... I brought the manual home, it contains a page with some text in Czech where the model name and serial no. are filled in by hand and there is a seal of approval (stamp, whatever) that goes like this:


Probably something like "this gun has been inspected" blah blah and so on.

On the back of the manual:

ALFA-PROJ, s. r. o.
Zábrdovická 11
61500 Brno
Czech Republic
Tel: 42 5 45214472
Fax: 42 5 45214497

This is all I know, but I think CZ have the majority of their production in Brno?
Welcome to TFL, my friend!!!!
I have not so much as heard about this weapon, much less seen one. There are whole slug of perfectly good guns that are banned from importation due to a silly law that the Coffee, or in the case of Sen. Ted Kennedy; whiskey, Slurpers (I like that!!! :) ) passed in 1968. If you can, please take some pictures, and post them. The gun is a must, successful targets would be nice!!!! You, the gun, and the targets would be better :D
Take care, be safe!!!!!!!!
I didn't even know CZ made revolvers. There is no mention of them on their website. I am wanting one of thier 122 model .22 semi-autos. Would be curious to know if there are any plans to import the revolvers to the US. Can you post a picture of it?
Denfoote, thanks for the warm welcome......

...I've been lurking here for about a year, so it's about time I spoke up! :)

I found that I had misspelled the manufacturer's name which was why it didn't turn up during my earlier search; it should read "Alfa" or "Alfa-Proj"...
The site is available at, where you can read all about their production of sewing machines, hand cuffs and revolvers in centerfire as well as various rimfire chamberings....some common, some more obscure! ;D

Fun stuff!
I'll get some pictures taken when conditions permit......I tried to insert a picture of yours truly in this post, but it somehow got messed up and I had to type the whole thing over! Too, bad, cuz...The picture was taken in the countryside of the Czech Republic (during a vacation car trip with some buddies) and shows me next to a purple Lada of unknown vintage with all the latest bells and whistles in styling! ;D