Revolvers. Differences in quality?


New member
My gun collection is made up entirely of semi-autos right now, but I'm planning to add my first revolver to the collection.

I don't know a whole lot about the reputations of revolvers. Right now, I'm considering a small, light .357 with a short (approximately 2") barrel. Either a used S&W, a new Ruger SP101, or a new Taurus CIA or similar model.

I know I need to handle and shoot these guns before I make a decision for myself, but I'd like to hear some opinions about these guns based on your experience. How do they differ as far as:

Quality of materials
Ruggedness, reliability
Quality control
Customer service.

I want to buy a high quality gun, with high quality steel, good quality control etc.

Should I steer clear of any particular brand? Are there any brands that use lower quality steel, are notorious for timing problems, breaking parts, etc.?

Any other recommendations for a similar small, light .357 would be helpful.

Old Smiths are generally excellent quality, but all the caveats of buying used should apply. If size isn't a factor some of the 2 1/2" K-frames are wonderful. If that's too big then the J-frames are good, just very few used in .357.
Rugers, in my experience, have always been a quality gun. They may not have the best action out of the box (and some may debate this), but they are well worth the cost. They are probably the most rugged.
The Taurus is a pretty good gun also, plus their warranties, IMO make them an excellent choice. We had a PT92 range gun that lost it's rear site, called them to get a replacement. Being a range gun and realizing we were losing money on it being out of action, they sent a new slide as compensation. That made me a life long fan on the spot.

In all you probably won't do bad buying anything from any of them.
Im gonna give a vote for Ruger, mostly anyone will vouch for their ruggedness, customer service is outstanding, I had to send 3 different guns to them.
One was a new MKII that was "Extremly Finicky" on ammo that it would feed. I sent the gun back to them and had it back in 6 days they reimbursed me shipping.
The second was new P95 the trigger was very gritty. I sent the gun in to them and had the gun back in 7 days also reimbursed for shipping.
Lastly was a GP100 that I sent back in September the cylinder would bind on occasion and the cylinder wouldn't lock at times. I bought this gun used 2 yrs ago. I didn't ask for reimbursement on this one, the other ones they offered it to me, Im sure I could have if I asked.
This gun took 8 days to get back.

All the guns were fixed free of charge, and to my satisfaction.
I believe some of their Q.C. could be better, which alot of manufactures seem to be lacking these days.
Good Luck and I hope this helps..

P.S.-My wife just got me a .357 SP101 3" barrel for Christmas.
I have had consistent excellence from Smiths and Rugers; however, I will not buy a new S&W until/unless they recant their agreement with HUD. The current production Ruger DA/SA revolvers (GP-100 and SP-101 series) are generally superb and designed/manufactured to literally last lifetimeS. Used Smiths (for example, 686s, 586s, and N frames) are also outstanding, although perhaps not quite as durable as Rugers. Many used Colts are excellent, but some are less reliable. New Colts are too risky for me -- quality has varied greatly during the last decade.
The used Smith will be an excellent choice. If you have an unbiased friend who knows guns have him help you pick your first one out. You will be back for more!
From my personal experience, I would
definitely stay away from anything
manufactured by Taurus International.
Just my own opinion, and $.02 cent's

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.
Ala Dan,
Care to share the experience? Like I said earlier we had good service from them, but a buddy of mine had a problem recently.

Ruger SP101

For several reasons, this is my prime choice. They hold their timing well and are extremely strong. The grips fit me better than any of the others. Ruger service is excellent as is Taurus but you don't have to send the gun back to Ruger quite as often.
I'm with Ala Dan. I have handled several Taurus's and shot a few. I was unimpressed with them all except a .454 Casull Raging Bull, which seemed acceptable, but not more than that. S&W's are the finest production revolvers made, although I won't buy a new one. There are lots of used ones. A specific model that would fit the bill for you is the S&W Model 60, which is very light but not too uncomfortable to shoot. The next size up would be a 686 w/ 2.5" barrel. The 686 is, IMO, the best double-action .357 out there. It is more robust in its construction than the Model 60 and more comfortable to shoot, but of course it is also heavier. Rugers are very good guns also, but they are not as smooth and not as pretty. They are the Ford trucks of revolvers while S&W's are Corvettes. Use the Search function for TFL to find out more. This topic has been covered a lot.

The only real life experience I've had
was with an out dated Taurus model 82,
.38 caliber revolver. It is suppose to
be a true copy of S&W's model 10, with
a bull barrel. I ran this revolver thru
a law enforcement qualification course,
shortly after receiving it from my
perspective employer. Being an ex-LEO
and having qualified many times before
with various make's and model's of
weaponary; I found the 25lb. trigger
pull on this "hunk of junk" to be
totally unacceptable. There was no
way in hell you could keep the sight's
lined up, and on target. Ended up
qualifying with the lowest score that
I've ever made; and 82.

And then the horror stories that one
is able to read here, concerning the
Taurus Millenium. Finally, being from
the ole' "deep south" black-foot tribe;
I'll take my chance's with a sling-shot,
rather than own a Taurus.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
Fair Enough

Like I said I had limited experience with them.

A buddy had a PT92 that needed a new mag catch and he called them re the lifetime warranty. They told him to send in the old part and $ and they send replacement. He waited a few days and called back and asked when he was suppossed to get (acting as if he had already sent it in) they said they didn't have him on record so he pitched a fit, ultimately receiving part for free.
Sneaky? Yeah, but they need to stand behind their product.

Ruger story: Another friend got an SP101 for graduation from the academy for a back up. Trigger was horrible. Called Ruger explained the situation. They picked up shipping both ways and expedited service due to him being LEO.
Thanks for the replies. I'm definately leaning in the direction of a new Ruger SP101. The current Taurus Millennium problems make me somewhat unsure of Taurus revolvers too. Whatever I get, I don't want to have to send it back to the factory to get it to work properly. I know I could get a lemon from any company. I like the Ruger because, like a Glock, it's not a pretty gun, but rugged and likely to get used a lot.
Buying used always kind of worries me. I like to know for sure that my guns haven't been abused or dropped. Anything specific to watch out for when selecting a Ruger? Like some have smoother triggers, etc.?
Thanks again.
Greeting's All,

I don't think you will go wrong by pursuing
the purchase of a Ruger product. And if you
do get a lemon, I hear (and have read) that
they provide excellent and quality service.

Swampgator: My Volunteer's are going on a
"Tiger Hunt" tonight. Want'a go with us?

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
The few revolvers in my little collection...

..are older Colt's and older S&W's. I don't own a S&W newer than the late 70's variety. My newest revolver is a Taurus 731UL snub, chambered for the .32 H&R magnum cartridge. (I like it.) I turned to that really good post regarding quality and did the tests that I could do right here in my easy chair. The little Taurus passed. I like my new Taurus, but if something happens to change my mind, I'll certainly post it here. I think maybe in the case of Taurus revolvers, they have gotten better as time has passed. My wife has been shooting a .38 Special "Total Ti" for a couple of years now with no problems. In regards to the PT111...well, I just have NO idea what Taurus was thinking there. It's like they were "hungover" when they decided to put that one out. (I apologize to the PT guys who got good ones, and who I've just insulted.)

Quality of materials: S&W/Ruger, Taurus, then ?
Ruggedness, reliability: Ruger, S&W, Taurus, then ?
Quality control S&W, Ruger, Taurus, then ?
Customer service S&W/Ruger/Taurus. then ?
Best trigger S&W (new or old) nobody as good
Best accuracy S&W (new or old) nobody as good

My absolutely favorite smaller revolver is the S&W Model 60-10 .357 Magnum with adjustable sights and 3" barrel. It is heavy enough to handle .357 Magnum when needed (without stressing my hand), light enough to carry on my belt in a small gun pouch, and with a great trigger and sights accurate enough to hit what I'm aiming at out to 25 yds. :) Dennis
Recent Taurus's are pretty good. Got a 7rd .357 and except the grips not quite ideal for speedloaders, a reliable and accurate weapon. And they did a remarkable job in getting a smaller frame size, makes a easy handling gun. The grips are better formed than on many SW's but on the side they will at times, slightly drag a speedloader. On the whole (and have shot it quite a bit) quite happy with it (or wasn't that clear?)
Ala Dan

LSU handed it to 'em, didn't they? I thought it was a great game. Course had to listen to the fourth quarter on AM radio on the drive to work.

A shame that Tenn beat Florida only t settle for runner up in the SEC! (No Flaming just good SEC football!)
"Tiger Hunt"

Swampgator: The hunt was unsuccessful to
say the least; still, I'm proud of The
University of Tennessee and all the
tradition's for which it stands.
Congratulation's to Coach Nick
Saban and the entire L.S.U. Tiger
staff. We'll continue the hunt!!!

Moderator's: 'em .44 magnum bullet's
just kept bouncing off them darn Tiger's.
You can move this post if you like, as
it was just to tempting to respond to
the swampgator.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
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I don't have many revolvers, as I have been an "automatic" type myself. However, I thoroughly enjoy the revolvers I do have, which consist of the:

*Taurus M85CH 2" blued
*Taurus M669SS 6" ported
*Taurus M44SS (pre-Raging Bull circa)
*S&W 686 6" Stainless
*Ruger SP100 4" blued
*Ruger Security Six 4" blued
(Hoping the family buys my a Taurus Tracker for Christmas ;) )

My favorite is the S&W 686 simply due to the cosmetic appeal.
However, I have fired thousands upon thousands of rounds through my Taurus handguns (including my PT-99 9mm and PT-911) and have yet to have a problem of any kind.
Well, except for the cylinder-latch screw on the 669 working it's way out, nothing a little Lok-tite didn't fix.

Fortunately, I have never had to use the warranty service of Taurus, but I am confident they will rectify the situation if the occasion arrises.

In my book, Taurus is an excellent value and makes for one heck of a candidate for anyone looking for either an auto or revolver.

I am sure there will be a recall on the ill-fated PT145, but many other respected gunmakers have also botched up atleast once in the history of their company. It certainly shouldn't cast complete damnation on their future reputation.