Revolvers comeback?


New member
For what it's worth:

I was at a local range today and noticed that for the first time in
several years it was stocking new S&W revolvers such as 29s,
586s besides some stainless 686s.

The place usually only had a small smattering of J-frames.

Asked a manager and he said more requests from members/walk-ins
have occurred.

Again, for what it's worth.
The popularity of striker fired pistols could be causing a resurgence of older folks for revolvers. A lot of us want the single action option with our handguns.

Doubt this is the case, but it is fun to speculate.
Interesting you mention that... I scavenged a LOT more fresh .38 brass than usual at my range this week... hmmm...
The revolver is a safer, simpler, more reliable platform, period. People may be getting turned off on all the horror stories of accidental discharges, almost all of which were involving striker fired pistols. People may be tiring of seeing the same endless stream of black, plastic, look-a-like "one size fits all" guns at their local gun shops. People may have begun to realize there actually are more then three types of guns in existence out there, Glock, AR-15 and AK-47. I don't know the reasons why, but I'm all for options and people choosing revolvers. This is a good thing.

However, unless and until the bad guys start switching over to revolvers or semi-auto pistols become illegal at some future time or become so riddled with mandatory safety features (smart guns, etc.) that no one wants to own them anymore, you won't see any major revolver resurgence anytime soon.
The revolver is a safer, simpler, more reliable platform, period. People may be getting turned off on all the horror stories of accidental discharges, almost all of which were involving striker fired pistols. People may be tiring of seeing the same endless stream of black, plastic, look-a-like "one size fits all" guns at their local gun shops. People may have begun to realize there actually are more then three types of guns in existence out there, Glock, AR-15 and AK-47. I don't know the reasons why, but I'm all for options and people choosing revolvers. This is a good thing.

However, unless and until the bad guys start switching over to revolvers or semi-auto pistols become illegal at some future time or become so riddled with mandatory safety features (smart guns, etc.) that no one wants to own them anymore, you won't see any major revolver resurgence anytime soon.

Interesting post. I didn't know the vast majority of accidental discharges were from striker fire pistols. I'm a fan of external thumb safeties on auto pistols, including striker fire ones. I'm wondering how many less accidental discharges there would be if the triggers were heavier, like the NY police pistols. They may be as heavy as 12 lbs.

Maybe revolvers would be more popular if people knew of the 8 round .357/.38 models. Or how quickly a 6 shot can be reloaded with speed loaders with practice, not to mention a full house .357 mag load is better than 9mm, .40, and .45 on a per round basis.
I've been at a couple gun shows lately looking for a S&W 19 or 66 for a friend and it's hard to believe the prices they are asking for them now. I saw 19's going for as high as 1,200 bucks!. Finally ended up doing some trading around and scored a 66 for him...but had to give 650.00 for it.
The S&W revolvers are going for insane prices now and lots of folks wanting them evidently.
I'm within 2 weeks of being 70 and I don't think revolvers are making a comeback. I once thought a revolver was the only practical handgun and semi-autos were unreliable and a gimmick. Then I bought a lowly Hi-Point C9 that was reliable, accurate and most importantly cheap. I then bought 4 more from the little mousegun Taurus TCP to a full size 1911. I have 2 DA revolvers, 1 SA revolver, 2 hammer fired semi-autos and 2 striker fired semi-autos. I shoot the revolver very infrequently now and I shoot my striker fired guns most. I'm old but I like the capacity and ease of reloading my semi-autos and I don't want to return to revolvers.
Accuracy is better than semiauto except my 1911s, Ruger Mark II TARGET Comp and FN 5.7.

Comeback? I didn't think that they ever left.



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I would like to hope that revolvers are coming back, but personally I doubt it.

Interestingly, I have seen more revolvers available for rental at my shooting range this year. Last year all they had was about a half-dozen j-frames and a lonely LCR. Last week I saw that they had two whole shelves (maybe a dozen or more full-size revolvers), above the j-frame shelf.

And at my LGS, I think they've been selling a larger percentage of revolvers than they were this time last year. Certainly they have more revolvers in stock than they did before.
Unlike the geezer that gets all wet about striker fired autoloaders, I bought a Shield when they first came out and never got use to the horrible striker trigger pull finally ordered a set of baramis for my Colt Cobra..not the New one..Probably have a shooter with me on a regular basis.

I might be missing something about your relationship to osbornk, and if I am, ignore the rest of this post. But I don't think your disparaging characterization was called for right there. I recommend that you retract that portion of your post as soon as practical.
Probably just a coincident I don't see revolvers making a resurgent.
I just bought a Taurus 85 today.. but along with 3 semi's.. so :/

Interesting you mention that... I scavenged a LOT more fresh .38 brass than usual at my range this week... hmmm...
Man you're lucky, That means they probably just dumped the brass on the ground.

Around here I hardly ever find revolver brass.. since it does not eject a lot of times it ends up in the brass bin and I don't take from the brass bin.
In this household, the revolvers never left. All this man will ever want/need. I have 'two' semi-autos which rarely get out of the safe.. A Mark II and a 1911-22.
S&W revolvers have always had a significant amount of space in my safe ...especially in .22, .357 mag and .44 mag....

I have seen quite a few for sale in gun cases around the area too,,, but I don't know if its a trend or not.../ ...but I am seeing a few more wheel guns at my range too..
"People may be getting turned off on all the horror stories of accidental discharges. . ."

I used to work for a PMC. The rule was, there is no such thing as an "accidental" discharge. We invariably fired anyone with a negligent discharge.

I might be missing something about your relationship to osbornk, and if I am, ignore the rest of this post. But I don't think your disparaging characterization was called for right there. I recommend that you retract that portion of your post as soon as practical.

Agreed,out of line.

I don't understand why this is so polarizing. You either have to be a revolver guy or a semi auto guy. I enjoy both.

As to the resurgence of revolvers, from what I am seeing yes. There are a lot of great revolvers out there, old and new. It is a great time to be a Firearm Enthusiast.