revolver vs. pistol

What would you want to carry for SD, a 357 in magnum revolver(6 or 7 shot) or a Glock 19 you can sub any pistol & any 357 in magnum for this discussion.

At this present time I'm going between my new & improved 686 + revolver & my G19 gen 4 &/or my G43. My G19 is by far an easier pistol to shoot with accuracy that my G43.

However, my 686 + with my new trigger job is now my first choice to carry 24/7
even though its a monster to carry.

As always, all responses are welcome.
I've enjoyed carrying my new Kimber K6S. Love the feel of the trigger and the 6 shot capacity. I have other revolvers and semi's but Kimber is my baby for EDC now.. FWIW Grade6man
Give me a .357 revolver over any pistol. No magazine failures,ability to shoot mild to wild and a flatter trajectory for a long shot.
I like the capacity of a semiautomatic so I carry a Glock 19. However, I like the reliability, compact nature and size of a revolver such as the Kimber K6S; therefore I carry it, too. Since a North American Arms 22 Magnum is very small and discrete, I also carry it.

So I carry 3 guns, usually = Carolina Reload, takes after the NY Reload which is a backup gun. But I carry a backup to a backup.

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Given my rathers, for SD in the urban jungle of men, give a CZ P07 with 15x2+1. That's 31 rounds almost as fast as I can accurately pull the trigger, minus a second or so for reload.

That being said my rathers aren't always my carry. A cw9 pulls under cover duty. A full size 1911 is my OC "show off" piece in the right venue. A security 6 in 357 is my woods guns. I'm versatile.
I have small, medium and large.
Small = Sig P238 with 7 shot extended mag. .380. I can't stand all my fingers not being on the grip, so this is as small as I go. Pocket gun for me.
Medium = Bersa Thunder Plus. 15 shot .380. A little large for a .380, but a fun gun to shoot and I feel confident it could handle reasonable self defense situations with its rapid fire accuracy and capacity. It really nicely fills up your hand too.
Large = Chiappa Rhino 4" barrel .357 mag. Still amazingly concealable. I take this when I feel like a member of the Hawaiian shirt mafia or if I'm going to be outdoors. I actually have a polo shirt that conceals it too. It only has 6 shots, but if I hit, things will happen, even if they're wearing a kevlar vest.
I'm with CDR. I would use the .357 as a backup and the semi auto as your main.

I use a snub .38 though, but if I could manage the $500 for a Ruger Security Six that is local, since he wont take less, that might change.
With practice you can learn to shoot a Glock 43 well. I did, eventually. It's easy to carry. You can always have an extra magazine (or two) on you if you feel the need for more ammo.
I HAD a .357mag and while the cartridge may have its advantages the excessive noise and blast aren’t worth it to me, no G19 but a G23 and that’s my choice over both proposed firearms.

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SD carry is a personal choice that each to own, I carry a 1911a1 and have over 40 years because it is what I know, practice with, and feel comfortable with. Which ever you trust the most is best for you.

'Nuff said.

I carry a 642 but to answer your question I do have a 2-1/2" 19 revolver that I carry once in a while, I recently bought a Glock 19, shoots pretty good if I can get past the fact it has no safety. It's about the same size as a Commander so if I have to carry a bottom feeder it will prolly be a Commander.
I would almost always carry a semi auto over a revolver for my preference at least. Round capacity being the number 1 reason why.
This topic comes up often. It always stirs great passion in many and provides good entertainment!

My position is simple. I like revolvers, but will always choose a semiautomatic for concealed carry. I am more comfortable with, and shoot them better. With capacity and reload speed factored in it is an easy choice for me.

If I carried a Glock it would be a 26. I would also be fine wit a 17 or 43 in most circumstances. For pocket carry an LCP will always be my first choice.
I changed from revolver to semi a few years back because of concerns for capacity. If one accepts that handgun rounds are not reliable one-shot stops, then you have to get a 40% hit rate, better than most reports of LEO accuracy, to get two hits from a five-shot revolver and have a reasonable chance of stopping a single assailant. Seems to me that the odds favor higher capacity.

There is a certain irony in the observation that capacity is a long-discussed advantage of semis over revolvers, but the modern trend is to market smaller semis that exceed the capacity of revolvers by little if any. Yes, I know there are still bigger semis on the market, but the six- and seven-round semis are becoming more and more popular, and they really narrow that aspect of the advantage of semis.
I have been carrying revolvers more lately. 357 and 44 mag's. I have a Glock 31C that gets carried a lot also. The Glock 19 is too small for me.