Revolver Shotgun


New member
I tend to be long winded,, so feel free to skip to the end if you just want the meat and taters.

I really like the idea of a revolver shotgun - the same basic benefits of a semi auto with the reliability of a revolver - seems like a combo that dreams are made of...

I have looked at the Rossi Circuit Judge many times, but I have always ended up passing on it for 2 main reasons:

1 - All the reviews and videos I have seen give it very low marks for accuracy as a rifle and spread as a shotgun (typical of anything that is trying to do 2 things in 1 - they end up doing both things poorly)
2- Its just a bit goofy and awkward looking.

Enter the Landor Arms TSX 804.
It looks like a long gun with a revolving cylinder rather than a handgun with an extended barrel and an afterthought stock. It has a smooth bore and a bead front sight, as a shotgun should, and it comes with multiple chokes. All of these things say to me that it should perform far better than the Rossi, but I have seen very little in the way of reliable reviews or videos.

Long story short (too late), does anyone know anything about the Landor Arms TSX 804 revolving cylinder shotgun? Any thoughts or insights are welcome.
Revolving long arms have never been well received by the buying public. Holding a long arm requires you to place your left hand (or right hand, if left handed) ahead of the receiver. When fired, the barrel-cyinder gap of revolving long arms allows high pressure gases to escape in the direction of your forward arm, risking injury. The Rossi tries to skirt this issue by putting a gas shield under the barrel-cylinder gap, but IME it generally redirects the gases and unburnt powder that exit the barrel-cylinder gap towards your hand and your face.

Back in the immediate aftermath of the Civil War, Colt and Remington both sold what was called a "scavenger's rifle", a rifle version of their revolvers targeted at military scavengers (gathered food for the armies). I don't know how many were made or used, but it was generally disliked by troops, and is fairly rare to find in museums these days
The gap does have a shield to redirect away from your support arm. The many reviews of the Circuit Judge and the one short video I have seen on this one give fairly positive feedback about the effectiveness of the shield.

I don't necessarily want to take the review of this shotgun at face value, as I believe it was more of a paid advertisement, but I have seen many independent videos on YouTube regarding the Rossi, and I doubt that the shield on this is all that different.
I can vouch personally for the circuit judge. It is a piece of useless monkey poo. Waste of 45Colt ammo and not practical for anything even with 410 shells. This is another novelty gun for show & tell at range.
Even more than the lever action .410s, I can't see the point. I had rather have a single shot and save the difference if I didn't pony up for a pump or auto.

Point to consider: It has a five round cylinder. Federal law on migratory game hunting and a lot of state law on all shotgun hunting limits you to a three round capacity. Plugging two chambers in the cylinder would be an interesting proposition.
No revolving shotgun on their web site that I can see. Their Model 804 appears to be a "regular" box mag, bullpup, design.
The Striker was designed over in South Africa in the late 70's, early 80's, for farmers to protect themselves with. I remember reading about them in the mid 80's in Soldier of Fortune Magazine.
Is it a single or double action ? I have a copy of the Remington Revolving Carbine and it's fun to shoot. I've never seen one referred to as a " "scavenger's rifle", just a revolving carbine. Only problem is the left hand is put on top of the right so as not to burn the left forearm. That would be a problem with the recoil of a shotgun. Do they show one being fired on facebook ? Where are the reviews posted ? Thanks for any help because I'd buy one if the shield did work properly. The president of our club shoots mostly shotgun and he has to have everything someone else doesn't have. I know he doesn't have one of these.
I've only found one short shooting video on YouTube. Can't seem to find any reviews. That's why I asked here - I generally find that the feedback here is better than the reviews I find online. Probably cause the folks here aren't getting paid for their comments!
Found some more info on it under a different name - Lazer Arms XR410. Seems to be the same gun, just a different label. Not uncommon to see that with the Turkish imports...