Revolver Lust!


New member
Saved my pennys and bought a Ruger GP100 4" Black finish. Paid $309.00 plus tax and NIC bullsh*t. It was between the Ruger and a S&W 686. In the end I've never met a Ruger that I didn't like. The 686 was alot more $. The Ruger came in black. There is something about large black or blue finishes on revolvers that I love. Last item, the S&W sellout to the Klintons.
Shot the new GP today at the range, about 200 rounds. Love the stock grips. I feel that it handles the recoil better than the 686. Shot everything from low load .38 spc. to hot Corbons and Remingtons. It shoots excellent. I must work on the action a little with dryfiring and Milltec oil. Hope this smooths it out a little. The 686 does have a slightly better action. Maybe look into some Wolff springs to lighten the pull a tad.
Relover lust lives on.
Hi Coop,

Good choice on the revolver. I have the stainless version and enjoy the same attributes that you describe (and more). IMO the only advantage the the Smith has over the GP100 is the out-of-the-box trigger pull. However, the GP trigger can be greatly improved by:

1. Dry firing
2. Action job

I would not replace the springs immediately. Changing the springs may affect reliablilty. Instead dry fire it about 4,000 times (more if you like). I did this with snap caps (although you probably don't need those) and the trigger is much smoother and lighter.

Hope this helps.
I've never fired a GP100. One day I'll have to add one to my collection. I do own a 4" 686 and think it is a wonderful revolver. Compared to my SRH (which I also like quite a bit), I think the Smith feels a little tighter and yes, the trigger is much better. In any case, I'm sure you mde an excellent choice.

Great decision and great revolver . . . I love my GP-100s. With regard to their action, my experience is they smooth out over time. Obviously, your smith can expedite the process. A thousand rounds from now, that new GP-100 will be smooth, maybe not buttery, but considerably improved.

Enjoy your wheelgun.
GP-100s rock!

You have chosen wisely, Grasshopper! Don't let anyone talk down about your newest "child". :)

The Smith 686 is a super handgun, but IMO the Ruger GP-100 is absolutely the best double action six-gun on the market. I've had mine for roughly 3 years and I am more and more enamored with it every day.

It points very naturally, and feels like it was just poured into my hand (I installed Hogue grips). It is frighteningly accurate and it's build like a bank-vault. Now, I will agree the double action trigger isn't "as smoothe as glass", but it isn't a total train-wreck either.

I can't say enough great things about the GP-100. I have a 4" stainless, full-lug, adjustable sighted version. IF the terrible day came and I could have *only one* gun, my Ruger KGP-141 would definitely be it!

Best wishes,
Don't know who made them, but for the Security Six series there was a modified hammer strut. It was threaded on the end so that it could take a nut. By moving that nut up or down, you adjusted the tension on the hammer spring (and hence, the trigger weight). What was really nice about it was that it used the normal, full size/strength spring. I wonder if it's available for the GP?
Gary-the hammer strut you refer to was made by Clark Custom in Louisiana...don't know if they still have 'em, tho'...another "trick" to Security Six tuning was to use the hammer strut from a 10/22--really! Supposedly lightened/smoothed the DA trigger appreciably...don't know if either is applicable to the GP-100's...never messed with the GP's much, as I am totally enamored of my S&W 686's!!!....mikey357
I also love my GP-100. I was so used to the single action firearms that I owned that it is taking me some time to get used to that long trigger pull. I think mine definitely will need a trigger job as I think I am not happy with the weight of the pull. Other than that it is great.

I know that once I get the accuracy down to where I want it, it will be my go to gun in a self defense scenerio.