Revolver in movie???

He uses a S&W model 66 2.5 inch barrel. In the elevator scene they switched it to a S&W 686 2.5 inch (continuity issue).
True Romance! Great flicker show.

As previously stated, that Smith revo was a Model 66 with a 2.5" tube in front of it! I had to go out and find one shortly after I saw the flick! Wish I still had it though!!!:mad:

Got married, made kid, had kid, lost job, gun went, bills got paid!!
In pretty much that order too!

Oh well, I guess thats why my wife doesn't complain when I bring a new toy home.;)
Either a 2.5" # 19 in nickel or a # 66.

I'm sure it was a model 66 w/2.5" barrel or a model 19 with nickel plating. It is one of my all time favorite revolvers, along with the 4" version of the same with a square butt. That was one hell of a movie, a little slow in the first few minutes, then it takes off.
Its a snub nose K frame stainless. And there is a scene where the prop person screws up and replaces it breifly with an L frame as one person posted.
Seeing as how these movie guns get rented from prop companies, I would bet its the same snub nose K frame Jim Belushi had in Red Heat.