Revolver Help


New member
Been trying to find a .38 caliber revolver that I like....really like the Smith and Wesson Model 10 but would prefer a 5 or so inch barrell. Does anyone know if there is a revolver manufacturer out there that makes a .38 similar to the M10 but with a 5in barrell.

All i can find is 4 in barrells and 6 inch barrells.
Buy a Model 10 with a 6 inch barrel, a power grinder, and some sodder. Cut the barrel to 5 inches, and use sodder to attatch junk metal as a front sight. :cool:

Now wasen't that simple?
I'm 99% positive they made a 10 in a 5 inch barrel. It might take a little longer to find, but search those internet auction sites or start emailing places like cdnn, etc. and see what comes up.


5 inch M&P. I bought this one for $89​
5 inch barrels were very popullar around WWII and the 1950s. I consider it the neatest of the M&P configs and would suggest looking around for one of these old ones.