revolver choices


New member
I have decided to go w/ a gun chambered for .38 special for a home defense/house gun. I decided on this caliber because I would like my girlfriend to be able to use this gun if ever the case may present itself. She really doesn't want to own her own weapon, but would like to be trained on the revolver for times when she is home alone and I am out of town. I have narrowed my choices down to 2 revolvers: the taurus model 85 in 3" stainless and the ruger gp-100 stainless in 4" barrel (the .357 w/ adjustable sights - i think it's model # is kgp-141). Here's my dilemma regarding the pro's and cons of each gun: My reasoning towards the model 85 is that it is a smaller gun that my girlfriend will be able to use and hold it a little more comfortably and that w/ the stainless frame it'll add a little more weight to reduce recoil. My only concern is that the .38 may not perform as well ballistically out of a 3" barrel to take someone down and that it only holds 5 shots. Regarding the gp-100, I'm worried that the grip of the gun may be way to large for her small hands. I do like the fact that it's a heavier gun because it'll reduce the recoil of the .38 to almost nothing and the 4" barrel seems to be a good length for the .38 to perform well ballistically (at least according to this web page:
Plus, I would have the added bonus of owning a .357 although personally i think that the round is to powerful and loud (deafining in fact) to use in a townhouse residence without going into the neighbor's residence and possibly endangering other's without knowing it. That said, the primary use will definitely be for home defense and it will be loaded w/ .38 special +P's. Any response or other insightful recommendations are greatly appreciated.
You can always change the grips on the gun to fit her hand. See if your gun dealer has different grips in stock. Have your girl friend and the gun there and try each grip and see which own works for her. I did that on my Ruger SP101 357mag. The original grip put the front sights too high when gun was drawn. Had to force my wrist down to have the perfect sight picture. Changed the grip to a Hogue finger groove and it put the gun so the sight picture was right on. The Ruger is a stout gun. With the KP 141 4" would work very well in a high ride holster if you decide to go for a nature hike too. Stoke it with some 180gr. bullets. At least it is better than a big stick where as black bear and cougar is concern. Mark:)
let her help with the selection. Try as many as you can get ahold of. Not long ago was workin with three ladies, an assortment of handguns from .454 down, autos and wheels. 2½" round butt 19 turned out to be the most popular.

Different time, nuther lady; 6" square butt 19 was favorite.

Different guns for different folks. If it is comfortable, it will be fun to shoot. If it is fun to shoot, there will be more shooting. More shooting will begat more skill.

Work with the basics of safety and sight picture. If she becomes good with one gun, she will be good with any gun.

If your choice turns out to be a Smith n Wesson, PLEASE buy used.

Let her choose what feels best in her hand. I belong to a well armed family. Both my wife and one daughter chose Ruger SP101s. I would keep your options open by getting a 357 over a 38. You can always shoot 38s if that is your choice. Personally I would recommend a good USED S&W Kframe like a model 19 or 66. A second daughter went the K-frame route. I prefer autos as do my sons, but all of my ladies chose the simplicity of the revolver. Watch-Six
I've had a Ruger GP100. It's a good gun, but very heavy. I'm an average size man and I found it to be a bit barrel heavy because of the full underlug. I believe that the home defense gun should be practiced with so that you are familiar in time of crisis. Your wife might find that gun uncomfortable after a little while.
Take her to the gun shop and let her find one that is comfortable. Even doing that, it's still hard to tell. What feels acceptable in the store is not the same as supporting the gun for 50 or 100 rounds or more at the range.
Hope you find something that works for both of you.
One thing to consider...will you or your girlfriend be carrying this gun outside of the home at all? If so, the Taurus 85 will be a lot easier to tuck away. If it is strictly for home and range, I would get the Ruger. As mentioned though, get something she likes if she will be a primary shooter.
Re S&W, I suppose everybody knows by now that it's back in American hands. Don't know if they'll be able to back out of the deal the Brit owners made with Clinton, though. My wife saw a S&W Chief's Special she liked and I'm thinking about something in .38 special S&W for her and my daughters. Seems just the right size in 3" barrel for home or carry. Also, I think 5 shots should be plenty.
Lionheart......Yes, they are now owned by an American company. Saf-T-Hammer.....who has publicly stated that they will honor all agreements in effect at the time of the sale. Paying money to them for a new gun is like contributing directly to the Brady bunch.

You want to buy new, support one of the companies that, at great risk, refused to sign on to the traitorous agreements. If you really want to support an American company that makes their own parts buy High Standard.

In case you havent read is the uncut version of the first agreement. Read it and weep for your freedoms.

As our President said..."You are either with us or against us"

Whatever is decided be sure she at least get's to try it out at the gun shop (or better yet fire it or a similar model) first.

Had one very small framed woman show up for firearms training I was at with a 3 inch Model 65, which seemed like a good choice. 'Till the instructor found out her finger could not reach the trigger in the doubleaction mode even with the smallest grips :eek: