Revolver Choices ???


I have been buying semi-autos for a long time and my EX got all my revolvers. Thus I am in need of a great revolver. I would appreciate your input. I use to have a Colt Diamondback that was my ankle weapon..this was one nice weapon, but I know they do not make them any longer.....


Firearm Choices: Colt, S&W, Taurus (if they have improved quality).

Barrel: 2-2-1/2"
Caliber: .38-.357
Sights: Perfer Adjustable Nights
My choice is the S&W Model 37. Buy it a set of boot grips and a trigger job. You can't get much better. Regards, Richard
I kind of lean towards nice, older *&* wheelguns (used, of course). When it comes to new ones, however, the new Taurus lineup is hard to beat. They have improved to a point where I would take a new Taurus over a new Smith even if it was ok to buy *&* again. My last two Tauri, a Model 85 and a 450, have been accurate, beautifully finished, and blessed with triggers that compare favorably to some of my old-school *&* wheelgun triggers. My 450 in particular has a glass-smooth trigger that breaks without any stacking or hestitation at all, and I'd have to class it as the best out-of-the-box trigger I've had in a new revolver.

Taurus implemented some really neat ideas lately (like a .41 Mag and a .45LC snub and a Titanium .357 7-shooter), they have a lifetime warranty with them, and they are priced right.
"An older Smith & Wesson Model 19, 2.5"." -- Mike

Or an older Model 66, 2.5". Mike doesn't care much for shiny guns, but I have no such hangup.:D
We should probably clarify for revolver neophytes that the Model 19 is arguably the best all-around .357 Magnum carry revolver ever made, and that the Model 66 is its stainless variant. :)
Well... lightweight is still somewhat relative. Do you want REALLY light for a pocket gun? Or just something that is nice to carry on your hip?

For the REALLY light i would look at one of the S&W 60 Kit Guns, in either .38spl or .357mag. Starting to see more and more of them out there used at the gunshows so they should be easy to get there and mantain the Boycott if you wish. If you are not worried about the boycott, then the new Airlight Kitguns would seem to be perfect for you.

If you just want something that is easy to carry but a more normal heft, i would go with either a S&W 19 or 66 with a 2.5" barrel, or a S&W 15 with a 2" barrel if you can find one.

2.5" Diamondbacks are still out there, but scarce and expensive normally.

I have mixed feelings about the current Taurus revolvers. They are normally very nice little guns but i have seen several lately that needed a lot of adjustment to make them work, so i am a little spooked of them at the moment.

The various Rugers are nice and reliable, but too heavy compaired to the other guns. Feel like bricks to me. :D
Lightweight? I have my heart set on a Taurus 617MULTI. It's a seven shot 357 Magnum snubbie made of Titanium and Aluminum. I don't think they have adjustable sights though.
Everyone should buy what they like. I was all set to get a Ruger sp101 until I held a Smith Model 60 with 2 1/8 inch barrel in .357 It fits the hand, points like my finger, and is stainless. It will completely drop into the pocket of a pair of dress pants or the back pocket of levis. 38s are a joy to shoot and 357s are manageable. I shoot it at the range with two retired police officers and they had nothing but praise for the shootability. Look at a model 60 and as many others as it takes to find what you like.
The taurus model 85 just got a good write up in the newest issue of guns and ammo. the 2" version was shooting great groups at 20 yards. it seems to be a great recommendation.
Like you, I've been mostly an auto guy, but I just got a round butt SW66 2.5". It's a pleasure to carry and even though it's not small, it will fit in a pocket if it has to.

I'm even thinking about trading one of my autos for a 3-4" barrel 629. (GASP)
If you're considering Taurus, then the built-in, non-removable gunlock would appear not to bother you. So you might want to check out some of the new Smith and Wesson Scandiums in .357 such as the 386PD.
You didn't say what you wanted it to do...but FWIW, how 'bout this thought? A S&W 60-10 (or earlier pre-pact) with 3" barrel and black adjustable sights. Compact, but the tube is long enough to get reasonable velocity and gives better sight radius; stainless for weather-resistance. A great all 'round revolver, though subject to the complaint that it is master of nothing.
For CCW carry,

nut'in beats the five shot .38 Special, Smith & Wesson 60.

Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
Don't discuount a Ruger SP101. Probably the strongest, most reliable, and most durable snubbie available for ~$300 NIB.
Thanks everyone...

This weapon is mostly just for ankle carry. I get tired of carying my P-230 on my ankle and cleaning it every other day to insure proper function...never jams...but I clean it....on the ankle it picks up evey piece of dust......thus a revolver my be the weapon of I'll look over your list and make some determinations...

Many Thanks
Pocket revolvers?

Mod 66 2.5"? All-steel Ruger .357s? You guys must wear breeches with a lot bigger pockets than I do.

The K-frame and equivalent 6-shot revolvers are pretty much holster guns, in my estimation, except for that part of the year when I wear an insulated vest. An alloy J-frame S&W or D-frame Colt is about all I want to stick in the side pocket of my pants. I have no experience with the alloy Tauruses, but they look okay.

To each his own, certainly. I retain memory of London metro police constables packing 33-ounce M-10 Smiths in side pockets. When the stocks didn't peek out, the uniform pants showed a distinct list to starboard.


PS--Try to borrow a steel K-frame or Ruger and ankle holster. Run with it in place. It CAN be done, but this is what drove me to a S&W model 37 with hammer spur removed.
