revolver carry

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who'm of you carry daily a revolver instead a semiauto? Which model/caliber? Why? Do you think the revolver has advantage over the semiauto?
many the mexican kid.
a revolver fan.

I carry an old S&W .357, the forerunner of the Model 27.

I like the energy of the .357 cartridge (no "stopping power" debates, please :) ), and the gun shoots like a dream. It's fairly big, being an N-frame, but I find I can conceal it pretty well. The mass also helps keep muzzle flip under control.

As far as advantages over autos, revolvers are *generally* more reliable. You won't get stovepipes or out-of-battery conditions, and you don't have a magazine spring to kink or weaken.

However, autos usually have higher capacities than revolvers, and are more concealable (since they don't have that big bulge in the middle). If I expect to get into a bad situation, I'll carry one of my autos, but my .357 and a speedloader is more than adequate for my everyday needs.


Ignorance is takin' over,
We gotta take the power back.
--Rage Against The Machine
A Ruger SP-101 (2 1/4" .357) gets carried in a Mitch Rosen "Workman" holster. Why a revolver? It's fits the need, is 100% reliabe and is chambered in a cartridge that will provide more than adequate energy.
I have to consider a 1911 more reliable as a carry for self defense. My judgment is based on the fact that I have never had a problem with a 1911 that couldnt be cured instantly.
I have had a blown primer lock up a revolver so tight that it was impossible to open the cylinder by hand.
Also it is my experience that a Colt Commander is easier to conceal (except in an ankle rig)than a J frame snubby.

All of the other reasons are largely a matter of personal taste. I have a number of revolvers and like them, but for carry I like the Commander.

Better days to be,

I have two regular concealed carry guns. I pick one or the other depending on how I'm dressed.

One is a Glock 26, the other is a S&W .38 Bodyguard Airweight. Frankly, I prefer the Glock--to me, it's just easier to shoot. But the S&W offers a weight and size advantage for carry in a Kramer pocket holster. The S&W is a good gun and a lot better than nothing.
I no great pistolero by any means. I've shot 6 revolvers, no malfunctions. I've shot 7 semi-autos, 3 malfunctions (some numerous/continuing). The worst in my Glock 17 (longish story involving a 'double feed'). My brothers 'tuned' Colt 9mm 1911 always has a stovetipe jam some time during a shooting session. Had a Jennings 22 come apart (not break, just sort of field strip itself) and some stovepipes. No malfunctions in a 'tuned' Colt 1911 45, a stock Raven P-25, a range Glock 19 and HK P7M8 (only 50 rds through the range guns). On such limited experience, I trust a revolver more.
I carry a M642 airweight 2" .38 daily. Ed's comment on concealability was interesting and I believe he is referring to behind the hip carry. For that type of carry I just came to the same conclusion that a Browning HP is easier to put there than even a J frame revolver. But stick that revolver in a pocket or in an Uncle Mikes clip on inside the pants holster in appendix position with an untucked shirt and it disappears easily.
My usual carry is a Lew Horton Concealed Carry 629 loaded with Winchester Silvertips. In Kramer IWB #2, it conceals under a sports shirt. Of course, I am 6'1" and 260. One of my "friends" alludes to the fact I could carry a shortened M-60. I have never been observed carrying by many LEO's.
It shoots true and has a fantastic trigger.
It also doesn't seem to be prone to malfunctions as much as a semi-auto.
I carry a Taurus M85 Utra-Lite in a shado IWB holster. Shoots good and it has never failed. I have a Kahr but still carry the Taurus.

S&W model 29 6", carried in a custom built strong side inside the waist holster. Even though it sounds big I've carried a 6" "N" frame for so long, on a duty belt in the good old days, then concealed as a back up and as an off duty weapon for so long I now forget it's there. A 4" when carried inside the waist will "rock" when walking where as the 6" remains stable. In over 20 years I've never been "discovered" with one including by supervisors, which would have resulted in the very least a lengthy suspension or worse firing. Of course as Reloader pointed out in this case size does matter.
I believe a person should carry the largest caliber they can compently use. In my case the Smith .44 is what I am the most comfortable with and shoot best.
The only auto I feel comfortable with would be the 1911 using full power hardball ammo.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
hey guslinger:it seeems you are a huge man to carry that 6" barreled .44 mag.
you were a police officer in past and acrried a revolver so you know that a revolver is alive and it's a good tool to do the job don't you think?
I personally feel an auto is more concealable (flat perfil) but even I carry a small ppks once in a while (more concealable weapon) they were times iI carried a s&w revolver and always feel secure for the simplicity of mecanics nad the revolver always go bang without a hicup.
the thing I love form a revolver is:
b)always go bang no matter the ammo.
c)the power level (,38 spl/0357 mag and above).
tahnks for writting.
stay safe.
many the mexican kid
Hi Many,

My "all the time" sidearm is a Smith & Wesson Model 640 in .38 Special. Most of my daytime hours are spent as a consultant...usually in a sports shirt with slacks. So a 640 in the pocket with two speedstrips is my "on body" gun.

In addition, I usually keep a couple of handguns secreted in a carryall type bag next to my desk. A custom Smith & Wesson Model 657 .41 Magnum with a three inch barrel and a custom Colt Lightweight Commander with a Clipdraw apparatus attached. The chunky snub is for psychos who decide to take everyone in the office with them. The Colt is in case someone calls and suggests going out after work. An untucked sports shirt over the Colt and it disappears.

My preference for revolvers is quite strong, but I do acknowledge the superiority of the auto in some circumstances. When the weather cools off, the .41 Magnum goes into a custom shoulder holster...usually under a light jacket.

In my experience, I favor the largebore revolver for several reasons:

* doesn't jam as easily as the auto
* superior intimidation value
* cost effective custom work.
* more powerful calibers in concealable sizes
* snub barrels give a BG nothing to hold onto
* fixed barrel allows point blank firing
* in my hands...superior accuracy
* no magazine springs to worry about
* N-frame makes a great club...THWACK!!!

- Anthony
dear anthony:
you are right about the way you thinking about a large caliber revolver,a large caliber revolver is very intimidating.
I always love the M1911A1 in fact is my favorite pistol and i'm very competente with it,however I love wheelies too.
The auto is more concealable and has firepower,but I higly respect a good shooter witha revolver cause it's more challenging to shoot a revlover.
A person competent with a revolver knows his/her limitations for that matter a)count their shots,b) take a good aim, c)don't send flyers (cause a) and always hit what they are aiming at.
with a semiauto (wondernine,et all) you have plenty of firepower for that matte if you dont hit with the firsts shots you have 10 or 12 rounds in the magazine (spray and pray theory).
The only pistols I feel comfortable to wear are colt .45 acp autos and revolvers.
stay safe.
many the mexican kid.

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