Revolver Carry?


New member
Evening folks,

I have only carried a government size 1911 before. IWB @ 4 o'clock in an Burns/Alessi GWH and Alessi belt. I kinda have the revolver itch, but I also want to be able to carry it (concealed).

I have been looking around on the auction sites for 3" barreled .357 S&W revolvers but have not found any that I like. I would like a blued all steel (heavy barrel or full underlug) revolver that I can either leave stock and add custom grips or customize at a later date.

What barrel length is most conducive to carrying concealed for revolvers? Is IWB comfortable with revolvers? I know my 1911 must be thinner than those cylinders!! I wouldn't mind a 3" 586, but where would I find it!!

Can you guys help me out with those questions?


1. Can you carry IWB with revolver comfortably, or at least as comfortable as a 1911?

2. What barrel length is conducive to the necessary type of carry? (I can do belt holster if I have to)

3. What would I expect to pay for a 3" 586 if I can find one?



I've carried a 4" GP-100 from time to time. I know that Ruger does make a 3" GP-100 too. Both of my carry guns are 4" medium frame guns. With the right holster and belt I don't have a problem carrying them. If you can't find the 3" 586, I don't think the 4" would be that much of a weight difference (IMHO).
You can get a Ruger GP 100 for about $400 new. A used Colt Trooper MKIII sells for about $300 + or - some change.

I have carried a 4" Ruger GP 100 on a belt holster under my old Navy pea coat and I have carried a 6" Colt Trooper MKIII in a shoulder holster while wearing a sport coat.

Both are great firearms, but after a short while I had come to prefer carrying a Colt Detective Special in a (leather) Bianchi Shoulder holster that also carries two speed loaders under my right arm. The .38 Special (158gr cast SWC) will get the job done.

If you got to have a .357 Magnum for CCW, I recommend a four inch barrel revolver and a decent shoulder holster.
You really ought to look at the Dan Wesson revolvers.

Each gun comes with various grips and different length barrels so that you can change the package for various duties (CCW, hunting).
I have also been known to carry a Ruger KGP-141, in an Uncle Mikes pancake holster no less. Not a problem. Another gun you can look for is the Ruger Security Six w/3" barrel. Local dealer has a really nice used one for $219.
You may have seen my previous posts about this so I'll try to keep it brief.

Taurus 85 38 special 2", Kydex IWB tuckable holster in appendix position. Good comfortable concealment with shorts and t-shirt in these southern Arizona Summers.

Of course I carry my full size semi autos in a fanny pack much of the time but when I can't. The taurus with the tuckable holster works great and requires no adjusting when getting in and out of car
SBLars, you will notice that your question as to suitability of a larger frame revolver in a IWB is being discreetly avoided. Allow me to use myself as an example. In the last few years I have lost nearly a hundred pounds. There is still only room in my trousers for me. If you have the body for it go ahead and give it a try but personally the thought of a six shot centerfire inside my drawers with me is kind of painful.
Smith 19, 2½" round butt in Galco Silhouette OWB at 4 and 8 o'clock positions. Also in right front pocket with one off pocket holster.

Bunch of others but those seem the best for me.

Lars, I don't really think bbl length is that critical a factor unless you use horizontal carry in a shoulder holster. At least that's what I've found. I can conceal a 4" as easily as a 2". Look at the way the pistol fits along your body. The length and girth of the grip is more a factor than the bbl.

Take a 4" 686 with a good IWB holster and try the factory target grips then switch to Pachmyers and see the difference in printing.
I carry (around the house only- I DO live in MD after all) my S&W 65 (K-frame) IWB occasionally. I find it just as comfortable as my 1911, sometimes more so as it is shorter. However I am a big guy. If you can carry IWB, while I do prefer a 3" barrel, I don't see any problem with something as long as 4" as the barrel length will disappear inside your pants (though more than 4" would probably be uncomfortable).

If you want a .357 blued S&W but can't find the model you want try also the Model 13. It shouldn't be too hard to find in a 3" barrel.
There is still only room in my trousers for me.

That's because you have to buy your trousers with CCW in mind. :)

My roommate totes a Model 19 or a Model 686 IWB quite frequently.
Thanks for the replies folks.

What I was concerned about with IWB revolver carry is the cylinder fatness. I carry a 5 inch 1911 IWB so the length is not an issue, I am familiar with the IWB concealability issue being the grip of the weapon not the barrel (but I don't see myself dragging a 6" barrelled revolver out of my pants easily).

Shoulder holster carry would only work for me a very small percentage of the time (right now, once a week for two hours), other times I would need something different. IWB works great for me right now because I don't need a jacket to conceal it, in the future, pocket or pager pal carry may be necessary.

My pants have room for IWB 1911, I don't know if they do for revolver carry though,anyone carry both? (not at the same time necessarily, ;) )
The late, great Skeeter Skelton said that with a revolver it is the grips and cylinder that you are concealing. If you can conceal a snub, you can conceal a 4 inch.
Yes Tamara I know about the option of buying pants that will allow for a little company in there with me. Although I'm 5' 9'' I am VERY short wasted. My lifestyle and job precludes the carrying of a gun all the time. I find however that I must always wear trousers wherever I go, hence the one size for all occasions. My wife is very understanding but I fear that pushing the idea of new guns and a new wardrobe might make my position rather untenable. Besides why waste good money on clothing items when I can spend it on guns. Flawless logic I believe?;)
Actually, when it comes to concealment there are no pat answers. A whole lot has to do with individual body build in terms of body structure as well as weight, lifestyle, job, etc. Just because you can do it doesn't mean someone else (even of similar height and weight) can.

Despite the "popular press" barrel length does matter. If your body is built short in the hips, you are limited to short barrels and/or high ride holsters. The trouble is, you cannot high-ride IWB holsters for revolvers. If you're built long in the hips you might even be able to coneal a five or six barrels--count your blessings.

I can carry (and have) a five inch 1911 all day long IWB (but in a very "high-ride" holster), but I've never been able to carry any revolver bigger than a SP-101 comfortably IWB. I buy my clothes for concealed carry and have spent a small fotune holsters, and I couldn't even get the three-inch K-frames or Speed Six to work--I can imagine the L-frames (586/686) would be even worse.

To answer the questions:

1. I can carry some revolvers (e. g., the SP-101) IWB as comfortably as a 1911, but nothing bigger--this eliminates the K-frames/L-frames at least in the three-inch and longer versions.

2. Once I move to OWB, the three-inch barrels are ideal and the four-inch barrels work well. I can manage a longer barrel (five-inch M27) uncondealed and in limited dosages.

3. I haven't seen a three-inch 586 in ages. I would hazard a guess of between $250 and $350 based on current prices of similar used revolvers. All bets are off if some clown think he has a "collector."
If you can carry a full size 1911, you can carry a 4" bbl revolver no problem. The cylinder does not present a concealment problem - the grips do. If you however, select the smallest grips available (that fit your hand) you will find that a revolver is eazier to conceal than an auto.
I have a Mod 10 round butt, with the original service grips and a Tyler, T-Grip adopter. It just disappears under a T-shirt.
Carry revolvers!!!


Scroll up and relook at the comment about Dan Wesson revolvers. Too bad these guns are not more popular because they are a suprisingly good alternative! I have a .357 SS 3" barrel with three different grips. It's called the "small frame" but is the same size as a S&W K frame...easily concealable depending on your body size/holster preference...smooth trigger pull double or single...and very reliable and accurate. I shoot other guns on a regular basis at the ranges but am very fond of my DW!
I carry a 4" Mountain Gun all day long. It rides in a Milt Sparks Summer Special 2. It is very comfortable and a lot more comfortable for me when driving that my Glock 19. The hard3est thing to conceal is the grips. Mine wears the Eagle Secret Service grips and they conceal very easily.