Revolver Barrel Length - Your Favorite?

Which Revolver Barrel Length is Your Favorite?

  • 2 inch

    Votes: 3 3.2%
  • 2.5 inch

    Votes: 5 5.3%
  • 3 inch

    Votes: 16 17.0%
  • 3.5 inch

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4 inch

    Votes: 28 29.8%
  • 5 inch

    Votes: 18 19.1%
  • 5.5 inch

    Votes: 2 2.1%
  • 6 inch

    Votes: 15 16.0%
  • 8 inch

    Votes: 5 5.3%
  • 10 inch

    Votes: 2 2.1%

  • Total voters
Depends on the situation. For target I prefer the longest allowed under the rules for the event, within comfort range. Often it is allowable sight radius that is the determinant.

For general all round plinkin, defense etc....4"

For condealed carry....mostly 2½-3" but sometimes 4" depending on the gun.

Voted for five inch, but my favorite revolvers are N frames, and the five inch tube just seems to me to be the best balancing length for that frame.
Had to go with 4" for the vote, best all around. But for strictly carry short range work, 2"-3" is plenty and for the range and plinking I love 6" barrels. Like C.R.Sam said, "Depends on the situation."
Favorite length?

Now that's a toughie!

For CCW, well, since I live in a state that still doesn't permit CCW, I'll have to say that for my ccw-style gun I'd go with a three inch. Perfect balance of size and concealability, with better ballistics to boot! I have a 3" .38 snub, but wish I also could find a stainless three-inch 44Spl.

For casual plinking, my Dan Wesson wears its 4VH or 6VH barrels (VH = Vent rib, Heavy or underlugged). For serious target use, or for hunting, it wears a 8"V.

Let's see, the Blackhawk has a 8-inch, the .22s have 6-inch....
Six inch for target,three inch for carry though I don't have anything smaller. Love those six inch N-Frames.
2" for concealed, 4" for all around, 8" for hunting/survival.

My vote went to 4" because it is what I would get if I could only have one.
6" since I don't CCW with revolvers. I love the sight radius and extra weight of 6" barreled revolvers---they are so easy to shoot accurately and the extra weight deadens .357 magnum recoil.
I like 7 1/2", I guess 8" is close enough. Good length for the .44 mag, and sits well on the hip. CCW? When I carry, it's open.. :D
I just broke down and bought another revolver. I got a 610. I got it for plinking and for bowling pin shoots in the revolver category. I love the 4 inch barrel. 6 never did anything for me. 2 is good for snubbies 3 is good for a ccw revolver. 8 is great for hunting and for target work. But the 4 is the jack of all trades. It works well for me anyway.
355sigfan: You must not shoot SA revolvers much. I voted for 5" because there wasn't a 4 5/8" listed. I'm always surprised that so many folks still shooting those old fashion DA revolvers when Ruger, Freedom Arms and custom gunsmiths are producing such top quality six/five shooters. :) Dennis
5". It seems to be a good balance of sight radius and weight.

Most of the time it is not a standard barrel length, so it has a bit of exclusivity. Not to mention, some of the best handguns (especially revolvers) ever made came with 5" barrels.

I too voted for the 5" barrel length; cuz it
seems like a good compromise, between a 4"
and a 6". This is the length on my S&W 629-5
classic, and it helps turn in some wonderful
result's on paper.:eek:

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
my absolute favorite barrel length is 2", 3", 4"
4 5/8", 6", 7 1/2", and 8 inch. I have no interest in revolvers that don't meet these criteria.
Favorite barrel length for a carry revolver: 2 inch
Favorite for target shooting or hunting: 6 inch
Best for home defense: 3 inch

If I could only have one, it would be a 4 inch .357 Magnum.
