Revelation 12 Gauge?


New member
Getting my Great Grandpa's old Revelation 12 Gauge Pump, from what I've seen it's a Mossberg 500 sold under Western Auto's brand name. It cycles smoothly and loads smoothly, Im new to Pump guns, so any advice about maintenance and cleaning it up will be appreciated, It has a bit of rust on the barrel but I honestly think most of it is just caked on dirt and dust, so cleaning the metal parts off with water and a toothbrush will be the first step, then I will dry the metal metal parts and oil them well so they don't rust, then I will work on removing any rust with 0000 Steel wool and gun oil. The only thing that worries me is there is electrical tape on the middle of the pistol grip, and I am worried a crack is underneath, although I haven't taken the tape off, so it could have just been for extra grip. But if the stock is cracked, what would be the best course of action? As I don't want to leave the tape on there. Assuming it isn't cracked, what would be the best way to clean the wood off without removing finish?

Thanks for any other tips and advice you may have.


Stocks for the 500 are easy and not expensive.
If it's cracked, definitely repair or replace it.
It's kind of an important part.
There's a couple of things to look at with the 500.
The safety switch, on top of the tang, can break if it's made of plastic.
Changing it to a metal one is good insurance.
Another is the action lock lever, the part that keeps the action closed until either the trigger is pulled or the lever is pushed upward to release the action.
If it's not right, the action will open of its own accord and come back under recoil.
It protrudes down from the frame, just to the rear of the trigger guard.
Not necessarily dangerous, but something to check and fix if need-be.
Otherwise, just keep it clean and clear of debris down deep and it will run just about forever.
There's plenty of youtube videos on the disassembly and reassembly as well as good schematics and parts pictures at and from the Mossberg web site.
Enjoy your Grampaw's shotgun.
If it's cracked you could fill the crack with wood glue, though to blend it you would have to sand the stock down and refinish it. Not a huge endeavor and very simple to do, plus you end up with a new looking stock for dirt cheap.

Might be a good idea to throw in a new spring in the mag tube also.
While you are working on the surface rust, you might want to disassemble and give it a good deep cleaning - if it hasn't been fired in a while, who knows about gunked up oil and grease, other spots of dirt, rust, etc. I'd clean the inside of the mag tube and probably change the spring as mentioned above. If the stock is cracked, replace it, then go enjoy it.
Thanks for your help guys! I will make sure to clean it very well and to get all the rust off and make it look very good. Also will probably get a new spring aswell.
Unfortunately the mag spring may not come out of the top of the tube, due to the way the barrel attaches.
Then the tube has to be unscrewed from the receiver to get the spring out.
And the mag tube can be easily damaged in the process, especially if it's stubborn.
So, you might want to decide if it really needs to be replaced.
If the gun works as it should, it probably doesn't.
But here's some videos on how to do it, if necessary:
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The gun functions flawlessly , but I remember there being a small cap on the end of the tube that looked like it came off and exposed the spring.
Are you referring to the receiver end of the mag tube?
That end cap (follower) is supposed to help keep the spring inside the mag tube, among other duties.
Might want to see if it goes back where it's supposed to be.
A new one might be necessary if it won't.